All-in-One Wireless Streaming Speaker
CXA80 每声道的额定功率为 80W,它的超强储备,使它能够在面对要求最苛刻的扬声器时也能从容不迫。但这种功率的传出方式使 CXA80 从竞争对手中脱颖而出。整个内部配置旨在最大限度地降低左侧和右侧的干扰(串扰),实现惊人的立体声分离度,带给您在房间内演奏乐器的逼真效果。它具备针对左和右声道的对称且分离的变压器分接头、两个整流器和独立的 PSU。当组合使用时,这些“双声道”功能可带来惊人的音乐穿透度和广度,打造出通常只可通过成本高出数倍的扩音器享受到的环绕音效。
我们的工程师耗时数月制造出独特的分离电路板,因为他们知道这块电路板会实现他们期望的音效。在功率方面,他们同样坚持可实现预期效果的功率。他们使用 AB 类扩音器以减少交叉失真,让音乐听起来更加纯净、更可控。高保真级的超大环芯变压器带来巨大的功率储备、始终如一的音频信号(不削波)和令人惊叹的低音表现。最后,采用 ALPs 膜式音量电位器,以实现精确的音量控制和高超的低水平声道平衡;因此,无论您喜欢多大的音量,都可随时通过左右两个声道完美控制音量。
为了让您享受到更多您所喜爱的音乐,CXA80 的设计从一开始便以数字音源为考虑点。CXA80 使用高规格的 Wolfson 24 位/192kHz WM8740 DAC(一款非常卓越的数字模拟转换器)芯片,让所有数字音源实现强力升级;而且,简单地将它连接到 CXC 专用 CD 传输的传出数字,也可实现完美协作。它将使任何数字音乐上升到新的高度、展露新的深度,带来前所未有的体验感。
CXA80 带给您愉悦的使用体验。机箱的浮空效果、经过磨砂处理的易读前面板 — 旨在打造兼具外观之美和内在精良设计的高保真扩音器。无论何种来源,CXA80 都能让您重新欣赏您最爱的音乐。
我们在 CXA80 的设计中同时融入了数字和传统模拟输入,使它能够与尽可能广泛的独立设备结合使用。数字支持格式为 S/PDIF 同轴和 TOSLINK 数字输入,以及异步 USB 音频输入 — 这样您就可以直接从 PC 或 Mac 上播放音乐。 添加可选的 BT100 蓝牙适配器,您还可访问 aptX 高品质流媒体,开启配对设备为您带来的充满各种可能的世界。模拟选项包括高品质的均衡 XLR 输入、四组 RCA 输入和一个前置 3.5 毫米的辅助插孔.
输出功率 | 80W RMS 为 8 欧姆,120W RMS 为 4 欧姆 |
DAC | Wolfson WM8740 |
频率响应 | <5Hz– 60kHz +/-1dB |
模拟音频输入 | 1个平衡的 XLR,4 个 RCA,1 个 3.5毫米的 MP3 输入(前面板) |
数字音频输入 | 1 个 S/PDIF 同轴,2 个 TOSLINK 光纤,1 个 USB 音频,蓝牙经由 BT100(未提供) |
兼容性 | TOSLINK 光纤、S/PDIF 同轴、USB 1.0 和 2.0、BT100 蓝牙接收器 |
输出 | 扬声器 A+B、3.5毫米 耳机、前置扩音器输出、重低音输出 |
最大功耗 | 750W |
待机功耗 | <0.5W |
尺寸(高X宽X深)* | 115 x 430 x 341毫米 (4.5 x 16.9 x 13.4”) |
重量 | 8.7 千克(19.1 磅) |
Dear Customer
Thank you for such a positive review and more importantly thanks for your trust in choosing Cambridge Audio.It‚'s always nice to hear that the product has surpassed people‚'s expectations. We hope that they continue to bring you many hours of happiness.Kind Regards
Cambridge Audio Customer Support
I bought the unit In August 2020, so excited to finally get this as my brother had rave reviews. It is an expensive unit so it was doubly special to me as a huge music lover. Picked this up from a dealer about 1.5 hours away from me.
Unfortunately, as soon as i completed all the connections, i realized one of the speaker terminals did not work. Switching speaker wires worked for a couple until the same set of terminals started to malfunction. This time switched speakers and again worked for a few weeks. Then a gradual hum on the same speaker terminal and now no longer works. I have checked the speaker against another cambrige unit - works great, check the wires against the same other unit, also works great.
So how am i to get this fixed? drive 3 hrs round trip to the dealer? I am really hoping i did not spend thousands of dollars on a lemon.
Dear Customer Kindly accepts our sincere apologies for the inconvenience faced.
We‚'d like to learn more about your specific situation and makes things right.
If you wouldn‚'t mind please contact our support agents via our support site so that we can provide the best option available.
Kind Regards
Cambridge Audio Customer Support
When my 20+ year old Audiolab 8000A finally bit the dust I decided on Cambridge CXA80 (along with their CXC CD transport) for another couple decades of listening. As many other positive reviews written after weeks or months of their purchase the sound quality didn't disappoint.
But trouble began about 9 months ago when the amp would mute itself in a random fashion. Since I couldn't reliably replicate the issue I didn't contact their customer service right away. Now it has graduated to having only the left channel active when powered on and the right channel may or may not come on a few minutes later. When both channels are working, changing input source or muting the unit can deactivate the right channel again.
I was hoping this amplifier would be the bedrock for me to continue to build my stereophile system upon for years to come. I can't even being to describe my disappointment and frustration on the lack of reliability and poor electronics of this device after only 3 years of ownership. Shame, as the architecture and sound are very good when it's working.
An overhyped underperformer. Poor definition in the mid-to-high range lacking openness and vitality. Buy if you like but you’ll likely wish you hadn’t, just as I have.
Overhyped, overpriced products that never fail to underperform, I bought a CXN V2 to pair with the CXA 80 and got rid of it shortly afterwards. A £20 google chromecast dongle did exactly the same job in terms of music quality. That sums this up perfectly.
I purchased the CA CXA80 in September 2019 from an independent electronics business in North Carolina. The sound is impeccable!! I’ve tried to find reasons why I might have not purchased the right amp for myself, but I can’t. This is actually my first “high end” piece of stereo equipment and I’m 58. I purchased this model because of online reviews and I did have a budget. One year later I must say I definitely made the right choice. I’m sure there are other brands out there that can compete with it, but I’m satisfied. The soundstage is absolutely beautiful! The build and beauty of this amp is also impeccable! All the inputs plus being able to run 2 pair of speakers at 120W at 4 ohms is fantastic! Due to contrary belief, the remote doesn’t have upside down or backwards arrows. It has an incline and decline for volume control.