  • CXN (V2) with CXA60


    我们不断努力前进,这也是我们连续三年赢得 What Hi-Fi? “最佳串流音乐播放器” 殊荣的原因。至今我们仍不停改善其下的产品,以致成就最好音质的网络播放器。全新的 CXN (V2) 处理能力不但提升了您的数码音乐体验,以及串流播放的享受。


    Chromecast Built-in

    CXN (V2) has Chromecast built-in. Just tap the cast button in your favourite app to stream music from your smartphone, tablet or laptop in stunning high definition sound, up to 24bit/96kHz.


    每款产品都融入了我们近 50 年的 Hi-Fi 专业技术,确保它们的声音精准无误 – CXN (V2) 也不例外,因此成为具备最佳音质的串流工具。

    您的音乐将通过我们独特的 ATF2 向上取样技术处理技术,再经过两个 Wolfson WM8740 DAC(一款高质素数码类比转换器)。

    这意味着,播放的一切内容品质至少是原有品质的两倍(24 位元/384kHz 高解析度)。每个曲目都会呈现更敏锐的细节和柔和的深度,因此,即使是您听过无数遍的曲目,仍能感觉到以前从未发现的细微差别。

    我们的工程师们还采用人耳聆听的陈旧做法来长时间调校 CXN (V2),而我们认为这也是取得真正动听音质的唯一方法。


    CXN (V2) 几乎可以播放所有您的任何内容。透过其强大的处理能力和屡获殊荣的 StreamMagic 平台的巧妙功能,您的音乐听起来不会显得矫揉造作,也不会遗漏任何一个节拍,而是让音乐自然完整地流露。

    为了更丰富的互联网广播体验,CXN(V2)更支援 DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP,也称为mpeg-DASH)和 APPLE 的 HLS。两者都支持更高质量的互联网广播串流,串流高达 320kbps 立体声 AAC 格式之音频,而所需要的缓冲时间相对更少。

    我们还支援:Spotify Connect、Airplay、网际网路广播、NAS 磁碟机 / UPnP 相容性、USB、同轴与 TOSLINK 光纤数码输入、DSD64 以及 AptX 蓝牙(附加 BT100 接收器)。


    我们希望设计出一种可以从任何装置播放世界上任何音乐的产品。 CXN (V2) 几乎可以播放所有您的任何内容。透过其强大的处理能力和屡获殊荣的StreamMagic 平台的巧妙功能,利用我们自家设计的应用程式- Cambridge Connect ,您的音乐听起来不会显得矫揉造作,也不会遗漏任何一个节拍,而是让音乐自然完整地流露。

    为了更丰富的互联网广播体验,CXN(V2)更支援 DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP,也称为mpeg-DASH)和 APPLE 的 HLS。两者都支持更高质量的互联网广播串流,串流高达 320kbps 立体声 AAC 格式之音频,而所需要的缓冲时间相对更少。

    我们还支援:Spotify Connect、Tidal、Airplay、网际网路广播、NAS 磁碟机 / UPnP 相容性、USB、同轴与 TOSLINK 光纤数码输入、DSD64 以及 AptX 蓝牙(附加 BT100 接收器)。

    AirplayBluetoothChromecast built-inRadioSpotifyTidalUPnPUSBQOBUZ
  • Technical Specifications

    DAC 两个 Wolfson WM8740 24 位元 DAC
    数码滤波器 第 2 代 ATF2 向上取样至 24 位元/384kHz
    类比滤波器 Mediatek MTK85912 极双差分 Bessel
    USB 音讯输入 USB B 型符合 USB 音讯设定档 1.0 或 2.0(使用者可选择)
    数码音讯输入 S/PDIF 同轴和 TOSLINK 光纤
    类比音讯输出 平衡 XLR 和非平衡 RCA 类比
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  • CXN (V2) 评测



    50 评测

    Amazing Sound Quality

    I cannot believe how good this unit performs, I upgraded from a Marantz NA6006 to the Cambridge cxn v2 network streamer, the improvement in sound quality is amazing. I'm using a Rouge RP 5 pre amp into a Rotel RB-1582 MkII to Martin Logan SL3's with Dirac EQ, Audio Quest cables; Yukon interconnects and Rocket 44 Speaker wire. This system all came together when I added the Cambridge cxn v2, Sound Stage and sound quality are excellent. Finally enjoying the quality sound I've been seeking for a very long time. Best Audio Purchase ever, brought my system together in the most wonderful way. Would give this unit my top recommendation. Nicely done Cambridge Audio. Thank You!

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for taking out time to review the CXN V2.We are very happy to know that the CXN V2 has enhanced your HiFi customized audio system with better sound and quality.

    It's always nice to know that the CXN V2 have exceeded people's expectations as a perfect hifi product.

    Thank you for your honest and kind feedback regarding the CXN V2.Kind regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support.

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    Una bella sorpresa

    Avevo qualche perplessità sull’utilizzo della musica così detta liquida ascoltando per lo più vinili e cd ma devo ricredermi il cnxv2 anche con risoluzioni povere tipo mp3 mi a sorpreso.Con dei file in alta risoluzione mi sono innamorato di questo streamer di rete,grande musicalità ottimo palcoscenico si riesce bene a posizionare tutti i strumenti che suonano.Lo utilizzo con un cambridgaudio azur551r un ampli piccolo nellaspetto ma grandissimo nel suono.Grazie Cambridgaudio ancora una volta un prodotto accezzionale.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Gentile ClienteGrazie per aver recensito il CXN V2.Ci piace sentire clienti soddisfatti come te e apprezziamo che tu abbia dedicato del tempo a condividere la tua esperienza.Ci auguriamo che aggiunga una dimensione completamente nuova alla tua esperienza musicale.Nota: tieni presente che utilizziamo le risposte di Google Translate per tutte le traduzioni non in inglese.Cordiali salutiAssistenza clienti Cambridge Audio

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    Cxn v2

    I've had this streamer for a few weeks now and I am certainly torn in 2 directions . When the player is running on tidal masters and qobuz it sounds fantastic. The issue for me is that I've never tried to work with a component that works differently everyday of the week having to bounce around the 5 different apps you have to deal with from ca connect to streammagic to Google home Google cast tidal chromecast .a good example is last night I finally got the machine to play nugs.net which has a million hires live shows mqa. This was only the second time in weeks I managed to get it working . First thing this morning without having even gone near the player and of course I could not get it to cast . The Google home app is a disaster it works maybe 2 times out of ten. The bottom line is the player has very impressive sound but not one day has passed without me having to install Uninstaller factory rest 10 times . My usual starts with hitting cast button it saying it's casting and the only sound is coming out of my phone . Why the engineers made sure the volume setting stayed at 100 % and until you learn about keeping it on preamp mode you will get a very loud wakeup call ???. T.roach

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for reviewing the CXN V2 we are happy to know that you are enjoying its sound. For getting assistance with your issues please get in touch with one of our support agents via the support inquiry form here:https://www.cambridgeaudio.com/support-query/hifiand someone will get back to you shortly to assist in troubleshooting your issue further.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Missing some basic functionality

    The sound quality is rich and detailed and streaming from Spotify is straightforward. There are some basics missing that really let it down for me. You can't Chromecast from BBC Sounds - the function is there it just doesn't work. Surely CA could sort this out?! Secondly no information is provided via the DAB signal on the display other than station when listening to BBC stations. Again, surely this is not a difficult thing to get right?! This information is provided when connecting via Apple AirPlay and displayed. These flaws really let the player down for me. Hopefully CA can fix them.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    HiThanks for your review.

    Regarding the issue mentioned not being able to cast from BBC sounds this is an issue with Chromecast that has been fixed with a recent firmware update.

    Please get in touch with our Customer Support team if you haven't already so that we can help upgrade to get this fix.

    We can also look into the issue you mentioned with DAB radio.Many thanksCambridge Audio Support

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