Alva TT

搭载高清蓝牙 aptX HD 技术的直驱式唱机



高清蓝牙 aptX HD 技术 - 无线 Hi-Res 流媒体服务。 可将唱机摆放在任何地方。

内置唱头放大器 - 无需额外的扩音器。 安装简单。

直驱式 - 驱动速度稳定,音质无可挑剔。

预装高输出 MC 唱头 - 展现细致原音。安装简单。

单一唱臂 - 轻便,坚固。唱片精准循迹。

  • Alva TT.只需放入黑胶唱片。

    您多年来收集了大量唱片。无数个周末,您扎入一个又一个唱片店,只求找到隐藏的宝贝,丰富自己的收藏。如此坚持不懈,只因热爱音乐。我们全力以赴打造出 Alva TT,同样是因为热爱音乐。


    首台世界级高清蓝牙 aptX HD 唱机

    内置蓝牙 aptX HD 技术,让唱片播放器脱离 hi-fi 架的束缚。Alva TT 对摆放地点没有要求,让您的典藏唱片成为光芒四射的焦点。您的音乐可以通过 Alva TT 传输,以高达 24bit/48kHz 的高分辨率质量在任何兼容蓝牙接收器上播放。



    Alva TT 的定制化设计,集成式唱头放大器在安装时无需使用多余的扩音器,可以直接进行更简单的物理连接。我们以屡获殊荣的五星级独立前置放大器 Alva Solo 和 Alva Duo 为基础设计了这款唱头放大器,减少了不必要的噪音,同时保留了黑胶唱片独特的温暖特质。

    Alva TT turntable MC cartridge detail

    预装 MC 唱头

    Alva TT 已预装唱头。无需繁琐安装步骤,与唱机其他配件完美搭配。


    Alva TT turntable cover


    唱片就是您的宝贝,因此我们也为 Alva TT 提供可拆卸防尘罩保护您的唱片。

    Alva TT turntable detail


    我们的 Alva TT 没有采用皮带驱动系统,而是选择了中等力矩直驱式系统。皮带驱动唱机上的弹性材料会随时间失去弹性,久而久之就需要进行替换。也因为这个磨损问题,皮带驱动唱机的回放速度一直都稍逊于同类直驱式唱机。但是 Alva TT 却不存在这种问题 - 因为其抖晃率只有 0.06%。Alva TT 也具有更强的音调稳定性,表现持续性长音符时尤其出色。

    Alva TT turntable detail

    POM 转盘

    Alva TT 的转盘厚重结实,与直驱式电机相匹配。转盘采用聚甲醛 (POM)制成,这种高科技工程热塑性材料可满足高硬度、高尺寸稳定性精密零件的要求。厚实的转盘搭配我们出品的中等力矩直驱式电机,可确保唱片播放稳定一致。

    Alva TT turntable and Edge A setup


    Alva TT 采用经典的整体式唱臂。无接头,唱臂接地方便,摩擦系数极低。 


  • Alva TT Reviews


    14 评测

    Excellent Piece of Kit -- A True Audiophile Unit

    When my trusty old Thorens TD-145 mkII finally died after 44 years of service, I re-launched into the burgeoning field of true hi-fidelity turntables and my, oh my it has been quite an Odyssey until discovering the Alva TT.
    SInce I have been asked why I prefer the Alva TT over the similarly priced table (no names), why not explain this on the Cambridge Audio website. Well here it goes;
    --The ___________ is a nice turntable in its own right, but it has a certain tonal quality that did not appeal to me. The _______ 2 cartridge it came with is a $300.00 disapointment, and the $600 _________2 I replaced it with still had a shortage of mid and high-end notes. Don't get me wrong, the piano black finish, the delicate, modern feature set, all favorable, but the sound just did not compare to my old workhorse (a lack of warmth and depth). Plus
    even with a high end phono stage, and the upgrades, the price point was more than double the original price point. For that price, the ________ is pedestrian, regardless of what the pundits and reviewers say. Thus, my search continued.
    --The Cambridge Alva TT was not as heralded when it was released, but considering it had a built in Cambridge Phono MM/MC phono stage, an APTx wireless connection, coupled with a fine (R---?) tonearm and moving coil (H---?) cartridge, it looked like a complete kit ready to roll. Cambridge Audio certainly tapped some excellent suppliers if what I believe is true and the end result is better than the sum of its parts; it's a veritable bargain. I consider myself a serious audiophile and I may get blow back from the upper crusted, but this table is solid and beats the other tables in this competitive price point in the following respects:
    PROS: 1. Rock Solid Plinth and Platter weighing in at a hefty 24 pounds. The POM synthetic used on this table is an excellent material that does not require a felt mat for warm, organic sound and is static-free.
    2. The moving coil cartridge is touted as a high output unit, but it is still lower than a similar MM cartridge. The difference is that it sounds and tracks excellently. The full kit I have connected the ALVA TT to includes a high end 120 watts per channel Integrated
    amp, and world standard speakers that 'hear' any defect in equipment attached to the kit itself. So much to my surprise, the ALVA TT pulled out beautiful clear highs and perfectly decaying bass. It was frankly, a revelation. Classical tracks had little interwall distortion and Rock music had a concert hall fullness not experienced from me from the equipment I attached it to.
    3. The build quality is generally excellent and the touch controls have a solid tactile feel when depressing them.
    4. The Direct Drive motor is extremely quiet and may offer less maintenance than other tables in this class.

    CONS: Unfortunately, The ALVA has a few minor blemishes:
    1. The industrial looking build is love it or leave proposition compared to some turntables that look like them belong in an a modern art collection. Don't get me wrong, the sound is what's important to me, but I think some shallower individuals may take a "pretty face" over the utilitarian function and excellent tone of the ALVA TT.
    2. While the hi-fidelity bluetooth and built in phono stage is wonderful, I would have preferred a bypass switch to give me the option to modify or upgrade the phono stage, similar to the ability to hardwire the ALVA TT directly to one's amp or pre-amp and bypass the Bluetooth connection.
    3. The dustcover, with its flimsy small rubber feet feels cheap when compared to the solidity of rest of the unit.

    In conclusion, after about 50 hours in with this table, I can say, without reservation: BUY THIS TURNTABLE -- PERIOD, END OF REPORT !!!

    großartiges Gerät

    Wirklich wie beschrieben, schnell aufgebaut mit tollem Ergebnis!

    Response from

    Sehr geehrter KundeVielen Dank für diese positive Bewertung und vor allem für Ihr Vertrauen in die Wahl von Cambridge Audio.Es ist immer schön zu hören dass das Produkt die Erwartungen der Menschen übertroffen hat. Wir hoffen dass sie Ihnen weiterhin viele Stunden Glück bringen.Mit freundlichen GrüßenKundenunterstützung von Cambridge Audio

    Great sound Great value

    I am a fan of Cambridge Audio (CA). I have always felt there equipment to be of audiophile quality while providing value for the enthusiast. AlvaTT is no different. A quality TT with a MC cartridge, direct drive and Apt X HD BT to boot. There has been some doubt about the bass handling of the TT; I have 2.1 system with speakers driven by the CA CX A81 (Anthony Gallo Speakers and a B&W sub) and a B&K 4420 reference amp (B&W LR6) - so bass has not been an issue. I am thoroughly enjoying the sound of vinyl after almost 21 years. I did end up purchasing a new stylus pressure gauge (a digital orofoton). The one that comes with TT works, but frankly I was way off. I spent quite a bit of time with it, and music was playing fine. But when a calibrated with the digital one, I was at 1.40 g - well away from 2.0g. So just keep this in mind. The Alva TT is easy to set up, and I am extremely happy with it. For the price, with a built in phono stage which automatically recognizes a MC or MM cartridge, the TT is very cost effective. Great sound, great value. CA continues to deliver, and for their first TT, wow!!

    Response from

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for such a positive and thoughtful review.

    We are pleased to hear that Cambridge Audio products are adding depth to your music experience.

    We hope they continue to bring you many hours and years of listening happiness.

    Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

    Nahe CD-Qualität

    Nach Erhalt direkt aufgebaut, wobei das korrekt Einstellen des Phonoarmes schon seine Zeit benötigt. Ansonsten war der Aufbau einfach und auch gut erklärt.

    Dann die erste Platte aufgelegt. Hier habe ich bewusst eine genommen, die ich zuletzt über den Netzwerkstreamer (auch von Cambridge) gehört habe: verblüffend, wie nahe nun der Klang an die digitale Version gekommen ist.

    Als nächstes eine Platte genommen, die ich kurz vorher über den alten Plattenspieler angehört habe: am alten klang diese wirklich dumpf, beim ALVA extrem klar (mit dem üblichen Vinyl-Knistern).

    Und zum Schluss eine alte Live Rockplatte aufgelegt: ich war mitten im Konzertraum.

    In Bezug auf den Preis erhält dieser Plattenspieler von mir eine absolute Kaufempehlung!

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  • 细节

    驱动类型 直驱式
    转盘转速 33 1/3, 45 rpm
    电机扭矩 1.6kg/cm
    抖晃率 <0.1%
    唱机转盘 POM(聚甲醛)
    直径 305mm
    唱臂类型 整体铝铸件
    唱臂有效距离 238mm
    唱臂超距 17.2mm
    唱臂有效距离 11g
    唱头放大器 @ 1kHz 42dB
    唱头放大器输出功率 (CA 唱头) 250m Vrms
    唱头放大器等效输入噪声(信噪比) 0.1u Vrms
    唱头放大器 RIAA 曲线精度 +/- 0.3dB 30Hz-20Hz
    唱头放大器信噪比 (ref 1V out, 20-20kHz BW) >90dB
    唱头放大器 THD+N 1kHz 0.0025%
    唱头放大器输入阻抗 47kΩ
    唱头放大器输入电容 320pF
    音频输出 RCA 线路电平
    蓝牙 SBC, aptX, aptX HD 压缩技术
    电压 交流电 100-240V, 60/50Hz
    功耗 约为 6W,最高为 20W,<0.5W (待机)
    规格(宽*高*深) 435 x 139 x 368mm
    重量 11kg
    唱头类型 高输出动圈
    唱头频率响应 +/- 1dB 30Hz-20kHz
    唱头唱针 椭圆形
    唱头唱臂 铝制
    唱头输出电平 2mV @1kHz
    唱头针压 2g
    建议唱头负载 47kΩ