All-in-One Wireless Streaming Speaker
多年来,你一直梦想拥有一套完美的唱片收藏,往返于唱片店,流连于网络中,只为寻找那些被遗忘在角落的珍宝——因为你热爱音乐。既然我们所爱无异,那就意味着我们不会止步于 Alva TT。
我们倾力打造出 Alva TT V2;它采用直驱式系统、专属 MC 唱头、全新唱臂、高保真蓝牙以及集成式唱头放大——二者皆可转换。
Alva TT V2 专为希望享受超凡品质唱片的人而设计——无需选择或安装额外的组件。TT V2 带有预装式专属唱头。由于采用了可转换集成式唱头放大,它也几乎可以与任何音响系统相连接。它甚至还可与高品质蓝牙扬声器系统进行无线连接。
内置蓝牙 aptX HD 可将 Alva 从你的高保真音响系统中解放出来。你可随心所欲地将 Alva 放在任何平面上,你的唱片才是舞台焦点。你可以将高达 24bit/48kHz 的高清音质音乐传输到任何兼容蓝牙的设备,包括耳机。或者也可以关掉它,而简单地使用唱机随附的电缆——随你心意。
Alva TT V2 带有集成式唱头放大(唱机前置扩音器),此设计源自我们屡获殊荣的 Alva Duo——展现你的唱片中的极致细节。这意味着你可以将 TT V2 连接至任何扩音器或兼容的扬声器系统。你也可以关闭唱盘的唱头放大——如果你的扬声器本身已带有此功能,或者为了保持升级选项可用时。
Alva TT V2 的专属唱头为预装式——因此无需繁琐的设置步骤,它的声音即可与唱盘其他配件完美搭配。我们采用高输出动圈式 (MC) 唱头及外装唱臂设计。减少不必要的谐振和震动,提供非凡增益效果,回放的音乐细节表现优秀。
Alva TT V2 内置中扭矩直驱式电机,与它的前辈 TT 如出一辙。由石英控制 8 极、3 相无刷直流电机,可确保精准唱盘速度。凭借精确的控制和静音运行,Alva TT V2 可以将失真和颤振降至 0.06%。这意味着更强的音调稳定性,表现持续性长音符时尤其出色。
为了搭配直驱式电机,Alva TT V2 的盘体带有精细抛光的石质触感。它采用聚甲醛制成,这是一种半结晶的热塑性塑料, 普遍应用于需要高硬度和精确尺寸的精密工程。厚实的唱盘搭配我们出品的中扭矩直驱式电机,可确保唱片播放稳定一致。
Alva TT V2 和 Alva ST 所选用的全新高质量、低共振唱臂是由我们的工程师经过数小时的测试后精心挑选而出的。通过最大限度地减少共振频率,以及与唱头的配合,它可以从你的唱片中最大程度地提取细节。唱机采用可拆卸压铸铝头罩,可以更方便地更换唱头——凭借全新防滑拨盘,助你实现更精确的微调。
唱片收藏是一生的执着,唱盘亦应如此。 我们打造 Alva TT V2 时充分考虑了其耐受性, 首先是采用 6 毫米铝板作为顶板,然后在中密度纤维板上铺设一层 EVA 以吸收振动。最后在外层包裹一层复合机箱,重量达到惊人的 10.9 公斤。在确保坚固构造的同时,也能展现出色的音质。
Alva TT V2采用月光灰色铝制顶板和哑光黑色基座,锥形设计逐渐收缩到我们标志性的浮动楔形底座,体现了永恒的家居风格。它与我们最畅销的 CX 高保真系列完美匹配,与我们的优质 Edge 系列共享激光蚀刻品牌标志。
结束了一天的唱片享受后,别忘了用铰链式防尘罩保护你的全新 Alva 唱盘,这可让唱臂保持精细平衡,让铝制顶板保持原始状态。无论是抬起、放下、移开或是重新安装——想怎么操作就怎么操作。
类型 | 直驱式 |
转盘转速 | 33.3, 45rpm |
抖晃率 | <0.1% |
唱机转盘 | POM(聚甲醛) |
转盘直径 | 305mm |
转盘重量 | 2.2kg |
音频输出 | RCA 唱机/线路电平(可更换) |
蓝牙 | SBC/aptX/aptX HD |
电压 | 交流电 100-240V, 60/50Hz |
功耗 | 5.5W |
最大功耗 | 20W |
待机功耗 | <0.25W |
规格(宽*高*深) | 435 x 139 x 368mm |
重量 | 10.9kg |
增益 @ 1kHz | 42dB |
标称输出 | 250Vrms |
输入噪音(A-WEIGHTED) | 0.1u Vrms |
RIAA 曲线精度 | *+/- 0.3dB 30Hz-20kHz |
信噪比 | >90dB |
Phono Stage THD+N 1KHZ | 0.0025% |
输入阻抗 | 47kΩ |
输入电容 | 100pF |
类型 | 静态平衡唱臂(含可拆式头罩) |
有效距离 | 221.5mm |
悬垂距离 | 19mm |
有效质量 | 19.6g |
兼容唱头重量 | 4.5-12g |
唱头 | 高输出动圈 |
频率响应 | *+/- 1dB 30Hz-20kHz |
唱针 | 椭圆形 |
唱臂 | 铝制 |
输出电平 | 2mV @1kHz |
针压 | 2g |
建议负载 | 47kΩ |
Am so happy with my purchase,the turntable arrived very quickly and was well packaged,setting it up was so easy it's practically done for you and takes about 5 minutes to set up,the turntable sounds wonderful and really brings records to life and you can hear so much detail and clarity and it looks really stylish too,I have it set up to my Evo one as my speaker source using the built in preamp and it sounds amazing,it's well engineered and very solid and sturdy too and I am very pleased with my purchase
This is my first turntable. I love it. It connects to Bluetooth easily. It’s great. What I do not like is that the tone at doesn’t auto return. I worry if it makes the cartridge wear out or at least the needle. Correct me if I am wrong please. Also I wonder if I could have gotten better documentation that clearly stated that the Bluetooth only turns on if you click the toggle to not use inbuilt amp. That was tricky. Also I wish there was a 1800 number to call. Over all still quite happy with my first turn table. Solid solid solid!
I have only paired it with a Bluetooth speaker as I am waiting for the Evo One to become available for order again, but so far I am loving the Alva TTV2. The only recommendation I would make is that the Bluetooth pairing and buttons be relocated to the top instead of the back. It would be nice if I could more easily access and see the indicator when trying to pair with devices. If Cambridge ever decides to make that change, my suggestion would be to locate it over by the tonearm assembly so that it doesn't take away from the clean design.
Purchased as a gift. After reading reviews and researching different types of tables (belt or direct?) I came to the conclusion that the Cambridge direct turntable would be better than average for a first turntable. And we have not been disappointed! This is beautiful, and plays wonderfully. So pleased, I would definitely look at other Cambridge products for future purchases.