  • 每通道 60 瓦 – 提供细致强大的音频性能
  •  AB 类放大率 – 平衡高效的再现
  •  ESS Sabre ES9010 DAC – 充分利用数字源
  • 数字输入 – TOSLINK,同轴 USB 音频输入(高达 24 位/384kHz 来自 Mac/PC 的 DSD256 数字文件)
  • 模拟输入 – 4 对 RCA 连接器
  • 蓝牙 aptX Hd – 高分辨率无线连接到 Alva ST 等
  •  A/B 扬声器区域 – 将扬声器添加到另一个房间 "
  • CXA61 What HiFi? Awards 2022


    CXA61 立足于最初的 CX 系列所奠定的基础上,并拥有 50 多年的扩音器设计经验。其提供了一个全新的视角,每通道 60 瓦功率带来纯粹的音乐刺激。真实有力的音乐表现,保留了所有的声音细节与精确度 - 因此,无论是热舞区还是音乐厅,它都能重新创建氛围。 

    CXA61 Black Edition



    Man enjoying CXA61 setup in living room


    CXA61 旨在让您更接近您喜爱的音乐,将您置于您最喜爱的录音核心位置,以最自然、最轻松、最详细的方式展现每个音符。不管是模拟还是数字音乐,低保真还是高分辨率音乐,CXA61 都能让您畅游音乐的海洋。 

    Engineer working on Cambridge Audio product


    我们在伦敦的工程团队投入了大量时间进行研究、开发、实验,最重要的还有倾听,以确保 CXA61 毫无差错。他们的目标是:提供一场激动人心、专注且细致的音乐表演。每一个组件的选择和决策都是基于使 CXA61 成为一款非常出色的集成扩音器的愿望。

    Close up of CXA61


    CXA61 的核心是一个 AB 级功率扩音器,其电容值经过优化。其采用了 A 类的音乐性能,并与 B 类的效率相融合。扩音器的短信号路径几乎不会造成干扰。其输出的声音细腻,同时传递出音乐家所期望的情感冲击。

    Man using CXA61


    由于其配备了环型变压器,CXA61 每通道可提供 60 瓦的纯功率。专业音量电位器旨在最大限度地减少串音,以打造一款具有功率储备的扩音器 - 随时可以利用扬声器的动态潜力,并在没有压力或失真的情况下提供音量。

    Man using StreamMagic and CXA61


    CXA61 是一款连接良好的扩音器。除了数字光纤和同轴连接,还具有大量的立体声模拟输入,以及通过蓝牙 aptX HD 的无线高分辨率连接 - 适用于 Alva ST 唱盘等信号源。您甚至可以连接第二对扬声器,以便在另一个房间共享您的音乐。

    Cables at back of CXA61


    感谢我们伦敦团队的不懈努力,CXA61 提供了一个完整的解决方案。其多功能性和高性能相结合意味着它将成为您未来多年音乐体验的中心。其采用铝和钢制成的优雅简约线条,在物理和美学上都经久耐用。

    Close up of CXA61

    Designed for Life

    Thanks to the relentless dedication of our team in London, CXA61 is a complete solution. Its combination of versatility and high performance, means it can form the centre of your musical system for many years to come. Its elegant, minimalistic lines, crafted from aluminium and steel, will endure both physically and aesthetically.

  • Technical Specifications

    功率输出 60W RMS 为 8 欧姆,90W RMS 为 4 欧姆
    DAC ESS Sabre ES9010K2M
    频率响应 <5Hz– 60kHz +/-1dB
    模拟音频输入 4 个 RCA,1 个 3.5毫米 MP3 输入(前面板)
    数字音频输入 1 个 S/PDIF 同轴,2 个 TOSLINK 光纤,1 个 USB 音频,蓝牙(集成)
    兼容性 TOSLINK 光纤: 16/24bit 32-96kHz 仅 PCM, S/PDIF 同轴:16/24bit 32-192kHz 仅 PCM, USB:音频配置文件 1.0/2.0(默认 2.0),最高 24bit/384kHz PCM,和最高支持 DSD256 或 DoP256 蓝牙:4.2 A2DP/AVRCP 最高支持 aptX HD (24bit 48kHz)
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  • CXA61 评测



    27 评测

    Great amp sounds great

    Great amp that sounds great with the q acoustics 2020i speakers

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    I love this amp, has everything that's needed. I'm using it for my decks set up with multiple speakers which I can choose from whenever. Only slight gripe is the Bluetooth is inconsistent to connect to. Other than that, brilliant and looks the part too.

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    Exquisite Sound, Great Looks, and Great Value*

    The only negative I have read about the CXA61 is that the price went up vs. the CX60. When Cambridge decided to discontinue the CXA61 and deep discount it, *it eliminated the one negative, and I got the deal of the century. I listen to a lot of old jazz and the production quality varies, often artificially too bright. For this reason I miss the tone controls. Also, my system is in my den/office so I have two listening positions. When I'm working, it'd be nice to balance the speakers so the sound would be better while I'm working. Also, it took a while to figure out how the remote control controlled the volume. Once I did, no problem. At the end of the day, with the right recording, in my listening chair, I can't image music sounding much better for my budget. I love Cambridge and their customer service!

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Valued CustomerIt's great to hear that you were able to take advantage of a good deal on the Cambridge Audio CXA61 and that you're enjoying the sound quality.The concern about the price increase is understandable but it's fantastic that you were able to get a great deal and feel that you got the deal of the century.

    The fact that you find the sound quality to be excellent within your budget is a significant positive.Your feedback on the tone controls is interesting.

    While some audiophiles prefer a purist approach without tone controls many people find them useful for tailoring the sound to personal preferences or compensating for variations in recording quality.

    It's good to hear that you've adapted to the absence of tone controls and are enjoying the overall experience.Balancing speakers for different listening positions is a practical consideration especially in a multi-purpose room like a den/office.

    It's great that you found a solution to enhance the sound quality while working.Lastly positive experiences with customer service contribute significantly to overall satisfaction with a brand.

    It's good to know that you've had a positive experience with Cambridge Audio's customer service.We hope that you will enjoy your music and the listening experience for years with your Cambridge Audio setup.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Excellent stereo amplifier

    I have been using the CXA61 for about a month now. The CXA61 is an excellent amplifier with great sound and more than enough power. It really brings my music more to life in comparison to my previous amp. Decent bass too. Installing and setting up was easy. Can absolutely recommend trying the CXA61 out.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear CustomerWe are delighted to know that you are enjoying the CXA61 unit as we intended.Our end goal is to provide you with an excellent music experience after a long harsh day of working. We always keep the setup for our device easy so that anyone can install our device and can get an explicit experience of it.We hope that you enjoy years of listening and happiness with it.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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