All-in-One Wireless Streaming Speaker
数字音频文件充满令人难以置信的音乐细节,但若想听到它们首先需要转换为模拟信号。它听起来音质有多好取决于你的电脑,网络播放器或CD中的数字音频转换得有多好。DacMagic 200M的双ESS数模转换器减少了声道串扰并改善了分离,因为左右声道各有一个专用的数模转换器。这些完全平衡的经过优化的高效信号路径显示了以前被隐藏的了不起的音乐奖项。
也许您的老式放大器缺乏现如今聆听选择的数字输入。也许您的高保真设置中的DAC需要一个帮手。或者您讨厌电脑在音频流到达您的耳机之前对其进行采样。有一点是肯定的,DacMagic 200M是一款专用的高保真分离设备,它击败了集成DAC,实现了纯音性能。
DacMagic 200M可以与各种数字源一起使用,有些也许是您已经拥有的设备套件。或者,您也可以将其与我们的MXN10紧凑型网络播放器配合使用。这些小个头高保真英雄拥有相同的系列外观,现在有特别版黑色和月灰色可供选择。它们共同构成了一个非常可靠的桌面高保真系统—如果你喜欢的话,也可以称之为“头保真”。
DacMagic 200M个头小巧,但容量不小,它可以容纳大量的数字输入和模拟输出。两对同轴和光学输入,一台USB电脑输入和用于无线连接的蓝牙aptX,让最苛刻的听众也能感到满意。一对平衡XLR和不平衡RCA,一个¼英寸(6.3毫米)耳机输出完成了这副图片。
寻求快速,准确的检索,而不需要上采样来保持音乐的完整性?DacMagic 200M强大的XMOS处理器每秒可以处理10亿条指令,将数字信息发送到双数模处理器,双数模处理器以100Mhz的时钟频率异步工作,以“比特完美”的方式将数字信号转换为模拟信号。
DacMagic 200M的铝制面板有一个按钮,可以从4种数字输入中选择一种,另一个按钮可以从3种数字滤波器中选择一个,以满足您的收听品味,如果您将其用作耳机放大器,还可以进行音量控制。有LED指示灯用于确认您的输入选择和滤波器选择,另外还有指示灯显示输入音乐分辨率。
如果您注册了Tidal的付费服务,您可以享受MQA音乐文件。DacMagic 200M面板上绿色LED灯亮即可确认这是一个真正的MQA音乐文件。蓝色MQA LED灯表示您正在收听经艺术家/制作人批准的或版权持有人验证的与原始录音文件同样精准的文件。简单地说,蓝色灯亮代表音质是最好的。
DacMagic 200M足够小,可以放置在桌面上,但也足够大,能够在堆叠放置时支撑不倒。在其半尺寸高保真分离形式中,它提供了一种声音升级,这种升级比它的钢和铝外壳升级意义重大得多—现在外壳有月球灰和特别版黑色饰面可供选择。请参加我们为期60天的家庭试用体验,有您亲自聆听。
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数字至模拟转换器 | 双 ESS ES9028Q2M DAC |
数字滤波器 | 可选,快 - 慢 - 短延时 |
频率响应 | 10Hz 至 50kHz (±1dB) |
THD+N @ 1KHZ 0DBFS | <0.0005%(A 加权) |
信噪比 | >115dB(A 加权) |
串扰 @ 10KHZ | < -110dB |
输出阻抗 | <50 Ohms(非平衡),<100 Ohm(平衡) |
最大值输出电平(非平衡) | 2.1V rms(固定或可变 – 用户可选) |
最大值输出电平(平衡) | 4.2V rms(固定或可变 – 用户可选) |
支持数字输入字宽 | 16位(蓝牙)、16-24位(光学、同轴)、16-24位(USB) |
支持数字输入取样频率 | 44.1kHz 至 96kHz PCM、DoP64(光学)、44.1kHz 至 192kHz PCM、DoP64(同轴)、44.1kHz 至 768kHz PCM、Native DSD 64x 至 512x、DoP 64x 至 256x (USB) |
MQA 兼容性 | 完全解码(Core + Renderer) |
蓝牙 | v4.2、A2DP 配置文件、SBC 和 AptX 编解码器 |
耳机输出 THD+N | < 0.001% 1kHz 0dBFS @ 100mW 至 32ohm |
耳机输出 S/N | > 115dB(A 加权) |
最大输出功率 | >300mW @ 32ohm,>65mW @ 150ohm |
频率响应 | 10Hz - 50kHz (±1dB) |
建议耳机抗阻 | 10Ohm 至 600Ohm |
最大功耗 | 12W |
颜色 | 月球灰 (Lunar Grey) |
尺寸(长x宽x高) | 52 x 215 x 191毫米;(2.0 x 8.6 x 7.6”) |
重量 | 1.2公斤/2.6磅 |
Dear Sergei,
Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback about the DacMagic 200M. We am sorry to hear that the sound quality did not meet your expectations.
We understand that sound is highly subjective, and while we strive to create products that appeal to a broad range of listening tastes, we acknowledge that we cannot please everyone. Many reviewers and customers have commented positively on the DacMagic 200M’s performance, which makes it particularly disappointing to learn that your experience didn’t align with these opinions.
You’re correct that the DacMagic 200M is designed primarily to enhance audio from a computer, but it is also widely used with other devices, including headphones, where it has received praise from users who have found it to deliver excellent sound quality. That said, audio preferences and perceptions vary greatly from one listener to another, and we are sorry to hear that you did not find the improvement you were seeking, either with your AVR setup or with your headphones.
Your feedback is invaluable and helps us refine our approach to designing products that meet the diverse expectations of audiophiles. While we regret that the DacMagic 200M was not the right fit for you, we sincerely appreciate the time you took to provide us with your thoughts.
Best regards,
Cambridge Audio Customer Support
I bought this because of how great the dacmagic 100 is. The 200m randomly pauses for a fraction of a second. I have upgraded my cables, moved the dac from on top of my ax85. Changed so many settings on my computer and tv. Even worse the steps to turn tv mode on and off as well as turn on and off the variable out put mode do not work. I got the steps from the manual I downloaded, Why is one not included? When its working it sounds amazing, but then there is a pause for a fraction of a second, then it plays fine for a bit, then pauses again. Frustrating experience. Online search brings up lots of results with people having the same issue across many different set ups. At this point I have given up and will go back to the 100 until I have free time to shop for a replacement.
Dear Ryan,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We are sorry to hear about the frustrating experience you’ve had with your DacMagic 200M. It’s particularly disappointing to hear given your positive experiences with the DacMagic 100.
Based on your description of the random dropouts, it’s possible that there may be a fault with your unit. I’d encourage you to reach out to our support team directly via the Contact Us page on our website. They’ll be able to guide you through some troubleshooting steps and, if the unit is deemed faulty, help to arrange a replacement.
Your comment about the manual is also well-noted, and we’ll look into how we can improve this for future customers. While the downloadable manual provides accessibility and saves on paper, we understand that having a physical copy included with the product can make a big difference during setup.
We're pleased to hear you’ve enjoyed the sound quality when the unit is working, and I truly hope we can resolve these issues for you so you can get the full experience from your DacMagic 200M.
Thank you again for your feedback, and I hope we can turn this around for you soon.
Best regards,
Cambridge Audio Customer Support
Very good DAC for the money, great sound, easy to install and operate.
Good sound
Cambridge DacMagic 200M performance with Headset
In a previous post I stated that I found little value with the Cambridge DAC in Home Theater setup (Pioneer Elite) with digital output from CD and Blu-Ray to the Cambridge DAC with the AVR set to PURE DIRECT, supposedly bypassing the AVR DAC according to the manufacturer. Some commentators theorized that maybe the AVR was not entirely bypassed despite claims from the manufacturers.
So I thought I would try a more pure test completely bypassing the AVR DAC. In this test of the AVR vs Cambridge DAC (digital output direct connection to DAC bypassing the AVR) when using a good quality headset (Shure SRH1540), I found the AVR shockingly superior. The Cambridge DAC had less dynamic range, soundstage, and bass. It sounded muted or laid back and less immersive. And with some instruments such as trumpet, I found it was much more harsh.
So I am wondering why I am not experiencing enhanced listening with the Cambridge DAC with my AVR or even outside the AVR (with headset)? I do not see many reviewers using the DAC as I am, and wondering if this is an inappropriate use for the DAC and that it was meant for streaming or computers.
I think the audio freak opinions that all AVR DACS are crap or “dollar store DACs” might be biased or misinformed. Sorry I listened to them.
More troubling is the marked degradation when using it in its purest application…. with headphones. Despite my failure with AVR, I certainly would have kept the Cambridge DAC, if I had experienced a marked audio enhancement when using my headset.