Edge M
  • 從輸入至輸出皆保持完全平衡 — 不受噪音干擾,也不失真。
  • 元件經人手精挑細選 — 數小時的聆聽只為揀選最佳元件。
  • 雙環形變壓器 — 強勁功率,保證音質始終如一。
  • Cambridge Audio 獨家 Class XA 擴音器 — 再無交越失真。
  • 完美拍檔 — 配搭一對 Edge M 及 Edge NQ,搭建完美音響系統。
  • 借助 Edge 系列重新發掘音樂

    我們最精緻的單體式擴音機,與 Edge 系列其它產品相同,Edge M 為您提供節奏連貫且有深度的影像,配備強勁功率,足以驅動要求最苛刻的擴音器。 

    Edge M Monoblock Power Amplifier
    • Twittering Machines Logo

      "... the Edge M monoblocks remained in complete control from top to bottom offering round supple deep bass with plenty of snap."

    • Violet HiFi Logo

      "The Cambridge Audio Edge M Monoblock Power Amplifier is a high-end audio amplifier that is designed to deliver an incredible listening experience."

    • HiFi Report Logo

      "Therefore, Edge M is able to stay true to lossless music. The impressive three-dimensional sound is exceptionally fascinating."

      Edge W Power Amplifier close-up


      一對 Edge M 單體式擴音機配備強勁功率,即使是要求最苛刻的揚聲器也能保持強勁且清晰。由於每個 Edge M 從輸入至輸出皆保持完全平衡,因此絲毫不受噪音干擾,也不失真,可按照歌手的想法自由完整地表達音樂無添加、無減少不受音量限制。

      Edge W Power Amplifier rear close-up


      雖然一對 Edge M 擴音機功率強大,但卻精緻依然。每個音符所傳遞的音樂均達至深度及清晰度的完美平衡。我們仔細傾聽元件只為揀選最佳的組件來搭建全套 Edge 系統。沒有價錢及規格規限。最終的成果是這部強勁的擴音機以真實壯觀的模樣將無損的音樂帶入生活。    

      Edge M Monoblock Power Amplifier rear view


      我們率先在擴音機中使用環形變壓器,從而極大提高效能。在 Edge 系列中,我們邁進了一步,使用雙反對稱的雙環形變壓器。這樣既可抵消電磁干擾,又可提供強勁功率,即使音量極大,亦可保持音質如一。

      Edge M Monoblock Power Amplifier


      對於 Edge M 而言,使用標準的 Class A 擴音器效能並不夠。我們在傳統的 AB 級設計上增加了偏壓,將失真減至極其細微。這種獨特設計可產生較少熱量,從而提高全套系統的效能。

      Edge M Monoblock Power Amplifier


      Edge 系統旨在達到完美的同步。將一對 Edge M 與我們的多功能前置放大器與網路播放器 Edge NQ 進行配搭,搭建獨一無二、外觀搶眼、音質一流的高保真音響系統。

    • Technical Specifications

      持續輸出功率(<1% 總諧波失真加噪音) 200W RMS(8 Ohms);350W RMS(4 Ohms)
      總諧波失真(未加權) <0.002% 1kHz 額度功率時 (8 Ohms) <0.02% 20Hz – 20kHz 額度功率時 (8 Ohms)
      頻率響應(8 Ohms) <3Hz – >80kHz +/-1dB
      訊噪比(參考 1W 8 Ohms) >93 dB
      訊噪比(參考最大功率) >115 dB
      增益 28dB (RCA)/ 22dB (XLR)
      See all tech specs See less tech specs
    • 產品支援與下載

    • Edge M 評測



      4 評測

      Escellent Amplifier

      Replaced Audiolab 8000M to drive B&W 704 S2, which are known for being hard to drive with impedance dropping to 3.1ohm minimum. I have the Edge M paired with CA Edge NQ and Arcam AVR 30 used via the CA Edge NQ using HT bypass. The Edge M have transformed my system and speakers, the bass is now extremely musical, instruments are well defined and overall presentation is dynamic and taught even when driving at high volumes 80db+. Overall in combination with the Edge NQ the sound is very musical and not fatiguing. There maybe more analytical pairings out there, but with this combination you just want to listen. A big upgrade and highly recommended – take a listen.

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      Wolves in sheep's clothing

      Amazing quality for the price. Awesome separation; outstanding vocals, excellent slam; very smooth and reminiscent of a good SET. They do not run hot. Build quality is second only to the packaging, which is impressive as well. Kind of makes you think CA cares about the Edge Series....

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you for such a positive review and more importantly thanks for your trust in choosing the Cambridge Audio product.We hope that it continues to bring you many hours of listening happiness. Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      A perfect example of...

      ...you get what you pay for.

      When I rediscovered Cambridge Audio and learned about the Edge product line, I was intrigued. I've been in the consumer AV design and manufacturing business for 25 years, and am very aware of the work that goes in to something like Edge: nothing off the shelf, maximum bang for the buck, screams premium inside and out. But my experience has included brands and products at considerably higher price points, and I could be excused for being skeptical of CA's claims of exceptional dynamics and neutrality. You get what you pay for, right? Of course.

      But how could so many consistently stellar reviews keep going on and on about how Edge so easily compared against much more expensive systems from other brands? How does that fit into the you-get-what-you-pay-for trope? I'll tell you how: through years of experience and dedication, and incredibly smart design work, efficient parts sourcing and testing, and doing as much of it in house as possible. Those factors contribute considerably to keep costs down both for the manufacturer and the end user.

      (I won't name names, but my prior 2ch system was, like Edge, excellent bang-for-the-buck gear. I had been quite happy with it for several years, and it is by no means a bad system even when put up against the Edge. But I was always left wanting, like I was missing something. And, truth be told, that system was about 2/3 the price of the Edge)

      Driving my reference speakers with a pair of M's and an NQ---even within the first few minutes out of the boxes, without even a "Hey, how ya doin', nice ta meetcha" break-in period----I found myself immediately smiling. I was happy. I had expected good things, but I had been expecting minor improvements over my previous 2ch electronics, not big improvements. I had been hoping for a little more space, a little more definition, just a little more. Instead I got "Hey! Wake up! It's time to be entertained! It's time for MUSIC!"

      Now, after nearly a week, my smile is even bigger. Bass has become not just more precise, but has greater sustain. The breathing of each organ pipe has grown into separate, living entities. The differences between steel and nylon guitar (and violin) strings are now startling vivid. The individual notes in a chord are all present at once, like a series of paint strokes appearing in the air side by side instead of being smeared together. Localization and space are greater, and more natural than ever before...and again, my previous 2ch electronics were nothing to be embarrassed by. But with that system, all of the above points were diminished just enough to make the Edge system truly shine.

      Is Edge a casual purchase? No. Top-notch audio buying decisions never should be. An NQ and a pair of M's will be fairly expensive for most people. But let me just add my enthusiasm for Cambridge Audio's latest and greatest rabbit-out-of-a-hat trick to the avalanche of praise you'll find everywhere else online. You will not be sorry if you pull the trigger on Edge. It's a statement piece all around, from the outstanding sound, the build-quality, the dead-sexy cosmetics and ease of set-up and use.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Hi Ralf

      Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful detailed and complementary description of the Edge M Amplifier and moreover for showing your trust in a Cambridge Audio Product.We are really excited to hear that you find the product to be the best among its class.At Cambridge Audio we don‚'t go in for unnecessary complications.

      We focus our efforts and budget only on specs that make a real difference to the sound you hear.We really appreciate your feedback regarding the build quality the design and the sound it provides.

      We will certainly pass it to our engineering and product team.Again thank you for such wonderful feedback we really appreciate it.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      Tolles Design - Angenehmer warmer Klang

      Bei mir ersetzen die beiden wunderschönen und erstklassig gefertigten edge m Monoblöcke meine Cambridge edge w, mit der ich auch schon sehr zufrieden war. Die beiden edge m sind allerdings in allen Belangen noch besser. Leistung im Überfluss, toller Sound auch bei geringeren Lautstärken. Zeitloses Design und umangestrengter Klang bei allen Anwendungen.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Lieber KundeVielen Dank dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben den Cambridge Audio Edge M zu überprüfen.Wir freuen uns zu wissen dass sie mit ihrer Leistung und der Klangqualität die sie bieten zufrieden sind.Wir wünschen Ihnen mit ihnen jahrelange musikalische Freude.Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie dass wir für alle nicht-englischen Übersetzungen Antworten von Google Translate verwenden.Mit freundlichen GrüßenKundensupport von Cambridge Audio

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