Evo CD
Compact Disc Transport
  • High quality audio CD transport – designed exclusively for Evo all-in-one players
  • Custom designed S5 Servo – perfect disc speed & error free playback
  • Custom digital output to Evo – for pure digital audio signal & retrieval of album artwork for Evo to display
  • Gapless playback – ideal for classical pieces & DJ mixes
  • Acoustically dampened metal chassis & CD tray – isolates components, for peak musical performance
  • Changeable side panels – to match your Evo all-in-one player
  • Evo CD setup


    Evo CD是專為Evo一體播放機開發的光碟傳輸設備。它擁有同樣引人注目的外觀,採用同樣優質的材料製作,並按照同樣嚴格的標準進行設計。Evo CD從您的光碟中提取每一個音樂細節,然後將其無縫傳遞給Evo。


    • Darko Audio

      “This is no ordinary CD player – it is very different”

    • Stereonet's logo

      "As well as being a lovely aesthetic match, it reads discs very well and sounds great."

    • What Hi-Fi? Logo

      "A perfect accessory for those looking to add CD playback to their Evo system's repertoire."

    • Forbes logo

      "The Evo CD is as stylish as the Evo integrated steaming amplifier..."

    • Trusted reviews logo

      "...better error correction and faster disc detection, so you can spin your discs without having to worry about poor quality transfers."

    • ecoustics logo

      "A deep, rich sound with unrivalled clarity...."

      Women reading a CD leaflet


      Evo CD使用的是我們新的S5伺服,它是對CXC系列備受讚譽的S3的升級版。與上一代相比,它具有更好的速度精度和音樂資料檢索功能。Evo CD未使用多用途光碟機,而採用了一種定制設計的工程,其唯一目的是以始終如一的準確性播放音訊CD。

      Evo CD Setup


      將Evo CD精密部件保護起來的陽極氧化鋁外殼不僅符合Evo有目的的外觀設計,而且有助於其性能的實現。隔音金屬底盤和驅動託盤確保信號通過其定制的“Evo Link”輸出電線傳輸到Evo的數模轉換器時不會受到任何干擾。

      Evo CD Setup


      Evo CD專為與Evo搭配而設計,具有相同的優質材料和尺寸,可放置在一體播放機下方或與其並排放置。這是您的決定,選擇哪種風格的側板也是您的決定。Evo和Evo CD一起擁有自信的風格,既承襲了我們的傳統,也展望了未來。

      Evo in a lifestyle setting with a turntable and books


      Evo CD的唯一用途是旋轉光碟,將準確的音樂資訊傳遞給Evo,這使採用極簡主義設計成為可能—在其面板上只有一個按鈕即可打開/關閉金屬CD託盤,其他一切都由Evo遙控器操作。


      Evo CD


      因為Evo CD是由精心挑選且毫不妥協的材料製成的,所以它的結構既堅固又美觀。例如,出於穩定性,工作效率和壽命的考慮,我們選擇了全金屬CD託盤和構造。就像你的CD收藏一樣,它將經得起時間的考驗—在未來的許多年裡,去解鎖那些專輯中的音樂和記憶吧。

    • Technical Specifications

      輸出 自定義與其他 Evo 的連接
      兼容性 CD-DA, CD-R, CD-RW only
      最大功耗 20W
      待機功耗 <0.5W
      規格尺寸(寬 X 高 X 深) 317 x 89 x 352毫米
      重量 5千克
    • 產品支援與下載

    • Evo CD 評測



      6 評測


      Excellent match to the EVO 75. I usually stream music but have a collection of Japanese Jazz CDs that this transport is used for. Easy to operate very accurately recording duplication through my EVO and my Monitor Audio Gold speakers. Really am enjoying the music.

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      The sound is amazing.

      The EVO CD. not only does it look great but the sounds amazing.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear CustomerWe are delighted to know that you are enjoying the Evo-CD as we intended. We hope it adds a whole new dimension to your music experience.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      Perfect match to the EVO150

      The EVO CD looks great and matches the aesthetics of EVO150. I had been using a Yamaha CD player from my old system. Given the cost l did wonder would l notice any appreciable difference in playback sound. The resounding answer is yes. I have to say the wait was worth it. I’m now a very satisfied owner of this wonderful new CD transport which has definitely enhanced my CD disc listening pleasure.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you so much for your feedback on the EVO CD and for sharing your experience with us.

      We are thrilled to hear that the EVO CD not only complements the aesthetics of your EVO150 but has also exceeded your expectations in terms of sound quality.We understand that investing in a new CD player can raise questions about noticeable differences in playback sound compared to previous systems.

      It brings us great joy to know that the EVO CD has made a resounding impact on your listening experience.

      We take pride in designing products that enhance the enjoyment of music and your satisfaction is truly rewarding for us.We appreciate your patience during the wait and we are delighted to hear that it was worth it.

      Your feedback serves as a testament to our continuous efforts in delivering high-quality audio equipment.

      Thank you once again for choosing our products and for sharing your positive experience with us.

      We hope you continue to enjoy the wonderful performance of the EVO CD for years to come.Best regardsCambridge Audio Customer support

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      Evo CD

      I have been waiting ever since I bought the Evo 150 for the matching CD unit to arrive. I am certainly not disappointed with it now I have it. It fits in beautifully and sounds fantastic. It was nice to give some of the hundreds of CD’s I have collected over the years another outing. They have never sounded better than they do now.

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