  • 每通道100瓦–非常適合驅動不同尺寸的揚聲器,包括站立式揚聲器,非常適合中大型房間。  
  • 集成FM/AM調諧器–附帶RDS和40個電臺預設
  • 內置MM唱機放大器–唱盤隨插即用,無需其他盒子  
  • 內置藍牙5.0–輕鬆無線連接至智能手機等。
  • 纖細優雅的設計–經典的高保真設計,搭配時尚的白色LED顯示幕
  • 數位及類比輸入–大量的背部連接器用於連接不同音源
  • 全尺寸耳機插孔&輔助輸入–位於前置面板上,方便使用
  • 功能多樣 音質至上



    Cambridge Audio AXR100 stereo receiver with an AXC35 CD player on a table in a room
    • NME logo

      "Cambridge Audio’s AXR100 looks like it could belong in any decade – its hefty yet sleek grey enclosure design is timeless, understated and serious.”

      AXR100 on a table with headphones and speakers



      A stylised image crop of the AXR100 highlighting the simple controls and LED dot matrix display



      Image of the Cambridge Audio AXR100 making use of its built in phono stage connected to a turntable



      Image of a smart phone connected to the Cambridge Audio AXR100 by Bluetooth 5.0, streaming music wirelessly.



      A close up image of the back of the AXR100 showing the RCA connections, digital coax in, 2 x optical connectors and Hi-fi quality binding posts



      Image of the AXR100 on a table in a minimalist home environment.



    • Technical Specifications

      功率輸出 100 瓦特(為 8Ω)
      總諧波失真(未加權) 在 1kHz 下低於 0.01%,80% 的額定功率低於 0.15% 為 20Hz - 20kHz,80% 的額定功率
      頻率嚮應 (-1dB) 5Hz 至 50kHz
      信號雜音比(基準 1 瓦特) 大於 82dB(未加權)
      輸入阻抗 47k 歐姆
      功率放大器的阻尼系數 大於 50
      See all tech specs See less tech specs
    • 產品支援與下載

    • AXR100 評測



      34 評測

      Great piece of HI FI equipment

      This is surprisingly good receiver with excellent amplifier. I'm using it every day for listening music and I've connected it with Sony 4k BlueRay player for movies which seems like perfect combination. I've connected mh hand made self-starting loudspeakers with silver speaker cables. The sound is warm with a lot of details and great stage. High and mid range is perfectly detailed and bass is very well defined and deep. The caracter of this amp is mire like tube amp, The instruments are really giod defined and vocals are nice.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us this wonderful review.

      We are delighted to hear about your experience with the AXR 100 and how it fits well with your music setup.

      At Cambridge Audio we focus on specs that are useful to the users and make a product that fits the customers need.We hope that the AXR 100 adds a whole new dimension to your listening experience.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      Great Receiver

      Love it. Very smooth with an easy to listen to sound.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us this wonderful review.

      We are delighted to hear about your experience with the AXR100.

      We hope that our product AXR100 brings you many hours of happy listening.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      Great amplifier but FM radio is not.

      I recently bought an AXR100 and additionally in the Cambridge Audio store on eBay CD player AXC35 open box because here all CD players of the A series are out of stock.
      PROS: The look is fantastic, simple, and elegant. The functionality and ease of use of all functions are absolutely great. The remote control looks quite good and works flawlessly and you can operate both devices with one. The sound quality is excellent, although I expected it a little better. But that's my feeling and maybe a matter of speakers - I use KEF Q150.
      CONS: I'm a fan of FM, I don't want DAB and that was the reason I chose the ARX100. The radio picks up only a few of the strongest stations (8 stations) and the RDS did not work properly. Display changing symbols and BBC3 shows as CCB*?, B*, CCC**, CCCR, etc. The display keeps blinking with changing symbols which is very annoying. Some stations are not displayed at all. Placed in the same place, my old Pioneer X-HM70 receives all stations flawlessly (19 stations) and RDS works perfectly. I have a large CD collection but sometimes I want to listen to something different and I use Tidal. So I tried to play via Bluetooth. It works very well and connects very easily but the quality is not the best. Music from Tidal via an android tablet is of very poor quality and plays very quietly. From a Linux laptop, it's much better, but sometimes it crashes. Maybe because of an internet connection. I could download music and transfer but there is no USB port. It's a pity. My old Pioneer has a USB and even reads flack files. The biggest downside turned out to be the CD player, the quality is so poor that I have to return it and therefore I want to return the AXR100 as well.

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      Best Stereo Amp in it's market.

      This is a great amp at this price point. I was looking at Yamaha stereo receivers with these specs and price range and i'm so glad i stuck with Cambridge Audio. This amp just sounds great. This is paired with Cambridge Audio Areo 6's. With my previous (entry-level) Yamaha home theater receiver these sounded more muffled, less midrange, and bass wasn't as strong. This amp fixed everything right up and has a very clean flat sound. You can adjust bass and treble to taste.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you for taking the time to review the AXR100 and moreover for your trust in Cambridge Audio.It is always good to hear from customers that the product was able to surpass their expectations. We hope that it fits in well with the rest of your setup and continues to provide you with years of listening happiness.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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