  • 每通道80瓦 –足夠驅動高需求揚聲器
  • ESS ES9018K2M SABRE32 DAC –參考電平數位/類比轉換
  • AB類放大 –對於平衡&;高效性能
  • 環形變壓器 –令人難以置信的聲場
  • 數位輸入 –TOSLINK,同軸&;USB音訊輸入
  • 平衡XLR輸入–用於高級連接(到CXN100等) 
  • aptX高清藍牙輸入 –無線連接到設備,包括Alva TT V2
  • Roon已測–通過USB連接PC或Mac
  • 獎勵效應

    CXA81 Mk II是在其屢獲殊榮的前代產品的成功基礎上建立的。自1968年生產出第一個集成放大器以來,我們從未回頭,一直在持續尋找新的方法來改善您的聆聽體驗,同時認識到美妙的聲音永遠不會過時。

    CXA81 Mk II精密巧妙,早已做好充分準備,蓄勢待發-只是遠不止如此。每通道80瓦的功率,讓它完全掌控你的音樂,展現其中包含的每一種情感和細微差別。 

    • HiFi Pig 5-stars Award

      "A very refined performance"

    • Sound Advice 2024 P100 Award

      "This may at first appear little more than a marginal upgrade on the model it replaces, but the combination of an improved digital section and revisions and re-tuning in the analogue department has given it a compelling sound"

    • Trusted Reviews Logo

      "They have honed and tweaked a good amp and made it better. At £1,000 this is the class of the field."

    • Forbes logo

      "After a couple of weeks of listening to the Cambridge Audio CXA 81, I have to admit I am totally smitten. The sound is superb with so much detail, rhythm, and pace."

    • AV Forums Best Buy Award Badge

      "Excellent blend of refinement and grunt that works across a huge range of music."

      CXA81 Mk II


      CXA81 Mk II的靈感來自於ESS ES9018K2M SABRE32 DAC提供的可能性,以及為我們的倫敦研討會注入的新人才,正是他們提出了“為什麼不一試呢?”通過一個新的DAC,新的思維,十個新的運算放大器以及大量的聆聽,我們實現了CX系列所追求的焦點;CXA81 Mk II。 

      CXA81 Mk II


      當你通過CXA81 Mk II聽到熟悉的音樂時,你首先的反應是一切聽起來有多詳細。你會重拾你以前錯過的細節,如樂器,音調的微妙變化及和聲。閉上眼睛,你就能把每一位音樂家都安排在舞臺上。一旦聽過CXA81 Mk II,你就不會回頭了。

      Man setting up the volume on the CXA81 Mk II


      ​CXA81 Mk II的中心是一個具有優化電容值的AB類功率放大器。它擁有了A類放大器的樂感,並將其與B類放大器的效率相融合。放大器的短時信號路徑是高效的,幾乎沒有給干擾任何機會。其結果是極具細節感的聲音,將你與音樂的原始力量聯繫起來。

      CXA81 Mk II next to a mixing desk


      得益于一個厚實的環形變壓器,CXA81 Mk II每通道可提供80瓦的功率。放大器主機板左右兩側的雙抽頭意味著實際上每個聲道都有自己的電源-從而產生生動的聲場。音樂中的動態變化—比如先大聲後安靜的段落— 處理起來也很輕鬆。

      Smartphone with StreamMagic app streaming music into a CX Stack


      CXA81 Mk旨在使您的數位音樂栩栩如生,其專用電路中配備了升級的ESS ES9018K2M DAC(數模轉換器)。這意味著數字音訊檔如高達到令人興奮的24位/384kHz或DSD256,都是解壓縮的—每一個細微的細節都是完整的。CXA81 Mk II將無與倫比的準確性與生動的音樂性完美融合在一起。

      CXA81 Mk II's Back panel


      ​CXA81 Mk II具備連接功能。除了數位光學,同軸和USB音訊(來自電腦)外,它還具有身歷聲RCA輸入,平衡XLR插座以及通過aptX高清藍牙的無線高清連接,非常適合我們的Alva唱盤。你甚至可以連接第二套揚聲器,在另外一個房間裡聆聽音樂。 

      Volume Knob on CXA81 Mk II


      ​CXA81 Mk II設計用於與品質相當的精心匹配的配件配合使用,因此沒有配備開關和錶盤-以保持信號通路暢通。它小巧的鋁制面板上有一個電源按鈕,輸入選擇器和一個漂亮平滑的音量控制鍵。它還配備了CX系列遙控器,您可以將其與該系列的其他產品一起使用。

      CX Range Stack


      ​CXA81 Mk II採用鋁和鋼製成,線條優雅簡約,在物理學和美學上都經久耐用。應該在很多年內都沒有必要更換放大器。製造經久耐用的產品只是我們將對地球的影響降至最低並最大限度地提高您的聆聽樂趣的方法之一。

    • Technical Specifications

      輸出功率 80W(8Ω) 120W(4Ω)
      DAC ESS Sabre ES9018K2M
      頻率回應 <5Hz– 60kHz +/-1dB
      模擬音訊輸入 1個平衡XLR,4個RCA
      相容性 TOSLINK 光纖:僅限16/24位32-96kHz PCM,S/PDIF同軸:僅限16/24位32-192kHz PCM,USB:音訊設定檔1.0/2.0(默認2.0),最高24位384kHz PCM,最高DSD256或DoP256,藍牙:4.2支持高達高清aptX(24位48kHz)的A2DP/AVRCP
      See all tech specs See less tech specs
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    • CXA81 Mk II 評測



      3 評測

      Digital heaven in a box

      The CXA81 MKII is one of the clearest and best sounding integrated amps. Between the upgraded DAC and the AB amp structure you get clear and dynamic sound from all sources. Digital sources from streaming or downloads sound particularly great. Love it!

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      Most Musical Bang for Buck Amp Ever!

      So I’m a music nerd from way back. I was running McIntosh reference tube amp(s) in the 70s and 80s. After getting my kids grown and finally having a big enough house, the Klipsch LaScalas and the tube reference amp had to come out to play. After another 10 years, the tube amp started eating some very high dollar tubes and I cried uncle. I paired my other Cambridge pieces, CXN streamer, Azur CD, and Cambridge phono pre-amp, with your new CXA81 MKII and I have been smiling like a Cheshire Cat ever since. No more mixing and matching power tubes for my preferred music sources. I have found a very sweet spot for my ears with this amp. It handles everything brilliantly and importantly, is very neutral with very little coloration. I really appreciate the preamp subwoofer output that now allows me to really tune my active subwoofer to the room it’s in. I have found I was really missing some low end dynamic range that you have now supplied. I’m now enjoying everything I’ve got on vinyl, CD, digital, or Spotify. The new DAC in this amp is very, very musical to my old tube ears. And yes, I could have purchased a lot higher dollar reference amp to do the exact same thing in my opinion. But I truly appreciate a great bargain and engineering when I find it. Thank you for a job well done.

      PS: I made the mistake of setting my phono preamp too close to the CXA81 MKII in my equipment stack. The nicely sized toroidal coil in this amp is a beast and can generate some pretty awesome buzz if you are too close with mission critical signals.

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      I should have made my decision much earlier!

      After 30 years, I decided to invest in a new stereo system. After the first song on the new combination CXN and CXA81 MK II, I was thrilled by the musicians who performed in my living room.
      I should have made my decision much earlier!

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