DacMagic 100
Digital to Analogue Converter

Thanks to a Wolfson 24-bit DAC, a 24-bit/96kHz driverless USB Audio 1.0 input and S/PDIF and TosLink digital inputs, the DacMagic 100 takes the sound from your computer, iPod, TV and other digital devices and adds detail, depth and added clarity to give you a true audio experience.

  • 完美程序

    通常,典型的數碼裝置中的數碼類比轉換器相當差,不能從訊號源提取最真實的品質。DacMagic 100 的工作原理是,接受裝置發出的直接數碼音訊訊號以繞過音效卡或 DAC。然後使用我們量身設計技術以數碼方式處理音訊訊號,顯著改進音質並降低失真。如此可以對所有音訊產生更细腻、驚人清晰度及更深的音階。


    DacMagic 100 非常靈活,支援電腦上幾乎全部數碼檔案格式,包括品質非常高的 24 位元錄音室母片或品質無損的音訊檔案。憑藉三個不同的數碼連接選項及同時連接四個裝置的功能,DacMagic 100 是一個真正的數碼音樂增強中心。設定非常直觀,讓您幾分鐘内就可以享受品質更好的音訊。


    就像我們的所有產品那樣,DacMagic100 從頭開始就由位於倫敦中心總部的設計團隊自行開發。我們的工程團隊極其注重細節,確保音質成為產品的焦點,對於 DacMagic 100 來說,這包括整合市場領導者 Wolfson 的最新款數碼類比轉換器。

  • Technical Specifications

    數碼類比轉換器 Wolfson WM8742 24 位元 DAC
    頻率回應 20Hz 至 20kHz (± 0.1dB)
    1Khz 0dBFs 下的 THD <0.0025% 24 位元
    1kHz - 10dBFs 下的 THD <0.0025% 24 位元
    20kHz 0dBFs 下的 THD <0.0025%
    訊噪比 -113dBr
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  • DacMagic 100 評測



    28 評測

    DAC magic 100

    Great product. Does exactly what I need; connects usb from media server to my two channel amplifier.

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    Dacmagic 100

    Don’t post much, but having bought and listened to this little box of tricks, I felt I had to. Mine is a modest system , but to my ears a good listen. It was purchased more out of curiosity than anything, but it’s blown me away. The difference is not drastic in any way, however, it’s like a thin veil has been lifted, instrument separation and clarity has improved, it’s easier to follow bass lines and background effects seem more noticeable. Anyone else curious, give it a go, for £149 you can’t go wrong…..

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    Great sound

    I bought the DACMagic 100 rotors connect my recently purchased Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport to my SXA35 Amplifier and it works like a dream, the sound is pristine. Of course there are other inputs which I could use to connect other devices (I need Toslink for the CXC)

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Valued Customer

    Thank you for your fantastic review! We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying the DACMagic 100 and that it's working seamlessly with your Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport and SXA35 Amplifier.It's great to know that you're experiencing pristine sound quality with the DACMagic 100 and we're glad that the Toslink input meets your specific needs for connecting the CXC CD Transport.We appreciate your feedback and we hope you continue to enjoy your listening experience with the DACMagic 100 and the rest of your Cambridge Audio setup.Warm regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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