TV2 (v2)

有人說:如果沒壞,就不要修復它。我們說,即使它贏得了 What Hi-Fi? 大獎,也仍有改善的餘地。因此,您仍可以預期 TV2 的豐富均衡聲音及清晰度,同時還額外獲得 HDMI ARC、功率高出 50% 的放大器、出色的藍牙品質以及更多觸手可及的 EQ 設定。但有一個重要內容始終不變 - 那就是價格。


    BMR® 驅動器

    一體式產品真的能實現廣闊均衡的聲音體驗嗎?我們清楚,本品是可以做到的。我們使用的 BMR® 驅動器很獨特,它們同時向兩個方向移動,因此透過更緊湊的驅動器,您可以獲得響亮、完美均衡且良好分散的聲音。有關此技術的更多資訊,請按一下此處。



    TV2 從小體型傳遞超強功率。建議將尺寸達 40" 的電視直接放在基座上。對於更大的螢幕尺寸,請看看 TV5 是否合適或將 TV2 順滑地裝入媒體裝置的支架。

    下輻射式重低音喇叭傳遞難以置信的低音,還可以讓喇叭免受敲擊或意外破壞 - 倘您的孩子或寵物可能喜歡這樣做...



    透過藍牙串流傳輸或從 HDMI ARC、TOSLINK 光纖、RCA 或 3.5mm Aux 輸入選擇有線方案。我們還在包裝盒內隨附了您需要的所有纜線,所以不必最後一分鐘跑回商店去購買。


    EQ 設定

    從 4 種不同的聲音模式中做出選擇,為內容最佳化音訊效果:電影、音樂、電視及語音。


  • Technical Specifications

    驅動單元 2 x 57mm (2.25") Balanced Mode Radiator (BMR) 單元, 1 x 165mm (6.5") 低音單元
    連接 aptX 藍牙, 1x ARC, 1x 光纖, 1x 3.5mm 插頭, 1x 模擬
    尺寸(高 X 寬 X 深) 550 x 100 x 333mm (21.6” x 4” x 13.1”)
  • TV2 (v2) 評測



    6 評測

    Enjoy Music from your TV

    The TV2 unit is an elegant and highly functional design that incorporates a sub woofer mounted in the base of the unit. This enables it to deliver a powerful and rich sound quality from a compact unit that sits neatly underneath the TV screen.

    I chose it because I wanted to enjoy good quality stereo music from my TV. I didn't want to have a separate sub-woofer unit for bass notes - That would be untidy. I prefer having the TV mounted on top of the sound system: It lifts the TV closer to my eye level and avoids any risk that the remote signal to my TV might be blocked by a sound bar in front of it. The TV2 was the only product that offered these features.

    I have only had it for a week. The TV sound quality is great and I have also used the bluetooth speaker feature to stream from my mobile phone most days.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for such a positive review and more importantly thanks for your trust in choosing Cambridge Audio.It‚'s always nice to hear that the product has surpassed people‚'s expectations. We hope that they continue to bring you many hours of happiness.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Very good sound quality

    I purchased this sound base to replace my Yamaha system which is now outdated. The TV2 was a fraction of the cost of my previous system and whilst I miss the the massive power and flexibility of the yamaha, I have been impressed by the overall sound quality of this unit (my wife likes the fact there are no separate speakers and wires). The sound quality is good with a well integrated flowing sound, top and mid range are very good with a smooth integrated base. However if you are looking for big impact from your films you will need something with more base than this unit gives. Very easy to install and use, if you require a simple system to improve your TV sound this is a good buy

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for the purchase and your precious time through this review.

    It‚'s always nice to hear that the product has surpassed people‚'s expectations.

    We hope that they continue to bring you many hours of happiness.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Great under-computer-monitor speaker!

    I'm now regularly working from home and so I wanted to replace a pair of bookshelf speakers that were cluttering up my desk. Although a bit on the large size for a desk, the TV2 is working well sat beneath and supporting my 27" monitor. It is hooked up to my amplifier line out for CD and Vinyl playback, and to my Apple TV optical output for streaming via AirPlay. Not tried bluetooth yet.
    Sound quality is very good using the "music" EQ setting at both background and also louder volumes. Well balanced and detailed with a good stereo sound stage.
    Recommended for your desk if it is big enough!

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for such a positive review and more importantly thanks for your trust in choosing Cambridge Audio.It‚'s always nice to hear that the product has surpassed people‚'s expectations. We hope that they continue to bring you many hours of happiness.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Great sound

    Just finished setting this up yesterday bought it to replace a Samsung Sound bar that would not fit under unit Great sound and quality of build easy to connect fit in TV unit perfectly .
    Quick response from Cambridge about a query
    The only thing i dislike like and others have criticised it is the one ultra bright LED for all functions This means you dont have any i separate indicators for sound mode or volume so you have know idea what the volume is or what mode its in The Samsung and others all have this feature .

    If it had these i would have given five stars

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