Minx Min 22
  • 精巧的尺寸——不論以垂直方向還是水平方向放置,都十分適合 
  • BMR 擴音器技術——聲音能廣泛擴散、靈活定位 
  • 高亮 ABS 外殼——美觀、聲音更集中 
  • 有黑色或白色可供選擇——選擇適合您的顏色 
  • 高品質電纜連接器——適合於更優質的電纜以獲得更優秀的音質 
  • 單獨售賣——您可根據自身需求購買 
  • Couple drinking together on green sofa in living room with 4 black minx min 22 speakers on floorstands


    Min 22 的尺寸出乎意料,大約兩個魔術方塊的大小。Min 22 在較小的 Min 12 上新增一個專用的低音單體。它旨在與 Minx 喇叭組合使用(包括我們其中一款超低音喇叭),以獲得完美的音效


    close-up low angle of black minx min 22 speaker

    BMR 擴音器技術

    不同於傳統的活塞式或平板喇叭,平衡模式幅射單體 (BMR) 驅動器採用水平振動模式將垂直和水平分散獨特地結合在一起。與傳統驅動器相比,BMR 如針尖般的精確度在低音量和高音量當中提供非凡的細節。這意味著 BMR 可傳遞更廣闊的音場,完美解決尺寸及放置時的靈活性問題。 

    Man on sofa reaching round black minx min 22 speaker on floorstand


    Minx Min 22 衛星喇叭提供 180° 聲音擴散使它們易於放置。不論您身處什麼位置,都能享受優美的音色——因為並沒有最佳聆聽位置。您可以將它們垂直或水平放置在可選配的桌面支架上。第 4 代 BMR 驅動器加強了喇叭的性能,與 Minx 超低音喇叭完美結合,提供「充斥房間」的音效。 

    close-up 45 degree side angle image of black minx min 22


    Minx Min 22 衛星喇叭封裝在高亮漆面的 ABS 音箱內。特殊的平衡模式幅射單體 (BMR) 喇叭驅動器置於壓鑄鋁的外骨架內,因此堅固可靠。它們為集中聲音,並將您的音樂傳到房間而設。 

    living room with green sofa, tv and white minx min 22 speakers on floorstands


    無論您的室內裝飾風格如何,Minx Min 22 低調的設計確保家中總有它的位置。這些精巧的喇叭採用高亮黑色或白色漆面,精美細膩且不顯眼。選擇黑色,將它們隱藏在陰影中或書架上;或選擇白色,襯托現代簡約風格的客廳。

    man inserting cable into banana plugs on the back of black minx min 22 speaker


    Minx Min 22 擁有合適的喇叭電纜連接器(連接柱)和香蕉插頭,以便快速安裝。帶凹槽的螺絲可安裝在嵌入式壁掛支架,或任何專用的配件。纖幼的落地支架非常適合環迴立體聲系統,而桌面支架允許 Min 22 水平安裝 - 非常適合中置對話喇叭。

  • Technical Specifications

    SENSITIVITY (SPL) 88dB (2.83 Vrms input)
    IMPEDANCE 8 Ohms compatible
    DIMENSIONS (H X W X D) 154 x 78 x 85mm (6.0 x 3.1 x 3.3”)
    WEIGHT 0.75kg (1.65lbs)
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  • Minx Min 22 評測



    12 評測

    Minx 22

    Brilliant product

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    Min22 compact speaker

    Really powerful little speaker ordered one to see how it was great sound do ordered second for stereo brilliant. Make sure you have some connectors as they don't come with speaker wire

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    Min 22 black

    I bought a single Min to be used as central speaker in a small 5.1 multichannel system, mainly for space needs
    I didn’t install it yet , I hope it can reproduce a good voice and spoken


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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Valued Customer

    Thank you for your purchase and for reaching out to us! The Minx Min 22 is designed to deliver clear and articulate vocals making it a great choice for a central speaker in a small 5.1 multichannel system.We hope that once you install it you'll be pleased with its performance in reproducing voice and spoken audio.If you have any questions or need assistance with the setup please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.

    Thank you for choosing Cambridge Audio and we hope you enjoy your listening experience with our Minx Min speaker!Warm regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Fantastic speakers!

    I recently took delivery of two of these compact Minx22 speakers. I'm no audiophile and I was looking for something compact so as not to take up too much space in a small living room (~40m sq). I mainly use them for hi-fi and home DJing as well as for the TV in a 2:1 set up. Most people seem to use these for atmos speakers but I can honestly say that they are perfect for music in a small room. Mids and highs are crystal clear, but a subwoofer is essential (I have a Minx 200). The combined set up really packs a punch and is plenty loud enough. Everything from house to classical sounds great.

    I have them on a couple of the tall Minx stands and I now intend to get another Minx22 as a centre/DJ monitor speaker.

    I cannot recommend these highly enough for a small room set up (with a sub).

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for such a positive review and more importantly thanks for your trust in choosing a Cambridge Audio product.We hope that the Minx Min 22 speakers continue to bring you many hours of listening happiness.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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