Edge NQ
Preamplificador con reproductor de red
  • Increíblemente revelador: nuestro preamplificador y reproductor de red con más matices.
  • StreamMagic: streaming integrado galardonado.
  • Componentes delicadamente seleccionados: horas y horas escuchando música para seleccionar únicamente los que mejor suenan. 
  • Preparado para el sonido digital: DAC incorporado con entradas digitales que incluyen TV ARC y Bluetooth aptX HD.
  • Pareja perfecta: empareja tu Edge NQ con el Edge W o el Edge M para crear tu sistema a medida.
  • Capacidad multiroom: compatible con los sistemas multiroom Google Home, Apple Airplay y Roon. 
    • What Hi Fi Logo

      "Un preamplificador de streaming verdaderamente fantástico"

    • Hi-Fi-Choice Magazine

      "It sounds seriously good for the money, with a happy, upbeat nature underwritten by real power and insight"

    • HI-FI News logo

      "Se han diseñado para ser elegantes, estilizados y fáciles de utilizar, a la vez que siguen ofreciendo lo más importante: su rendimiento"

      Edge NQ Preamplifier with Network Player and Edge W

      Increíblemente revelador

      Con un panel de circuito del preamplificador revolucionario que reduce las interferencias y crea una ruta de señal increíblemente limpia, el Edge NQ reproduce tu música favorita con una sensación de profundidad asombrosa. Transmite, emite, conecta y reproduce para disfrutar de todas las notas con una claridad perfecta.

      Edge NQ Preamplifier With Network Player and Edge W

      Todas las fuentes

      El Edge NQ te permite disfrutar de música desde cualquier fuente. Además de las conexiones digitales coaxiales, HDMI, USB y S/PDIF, también dispone de Chromecast incorporado, Spotify Connect, Tidal, Qobuz, AirPlay, Bluetooth aptX HD, radio por Internet y reproducción UPnP. El certificado Roon Ready mejora tu experiencia de navegación. Da igual desde donde reproduzcas las canciones, el Edge NQ se mantendrá totalmente fiel a la personalidad de cada instrumento y te ofrecerá una musicalidad que jamás hayas escuchado.

      Edge NQ Preamplifier with Network Player and Edge W

      Detalle digital espectacular

      Nuestros ingenieros se han querido asegurar de que puedas disfrutar de todos tus archivos digitales, de hasta 32bit/384kHz y DSD 256, por lo que han incluido un gran número de conexiones que incluyen una entrada coaxial digital, ARC (canal de retorno de audio), HDMI, USB y S/PDIF. El Edge NQ ofrece un sonido increíblemente revelador con tonos llenos de matices, gran ritmo y unos graves firmes.


      Sonido equilibrado.

      El Edge NQ se ha diseñado con una PCI (placa de circuito impreso) única. Nuestros ingenieros han sustituido los condensadores convencionales por una topología acoplada CC y han incluido un control de volumen de estado sólido. El objetivo ha sido minimizar las interferencias en la ruta de señal y garantizar un perfecto equilibrio de canal en todos los volúmenes.


      Software de streaming galardonado.

      El Edge NQ cuenta con la última versión de nuestro galardonado módulo de streaming. Diseñado por nuestro equipo en el Reino Unido, incorpora un chip nuevo y más rápido, y es compatible con archivos de 24 bits/192 kHz y DSD128. La incorporación de Spotify Connect, Tidal, Qobuz, AirPlay, Bluetooth aptX HD y radio por Internet significa que puedes disfrutar de tu música sea cual sea la fuente.

      El certificado Roon Ready mejora tu experiencia de navegación.

      Edge NQ Preamplifier and Network Player close-up of volume dial

      Chromecast integrado

      Gracias a Chromecast integrado, también puedes disfrutar de cientos de servicios de música, como Sirius XM, Qobuz y Soundcloud en Edge NQ. Simplemente pulsa el botón de transmitir en tu aplicación favorita para reproducir música desde tu smartphone, tableta u ordenador portátil con un sonido impresionante en alta definición de hasta 24 bits/96 kHz.

      Edge NQ Preamplifier and Network Player close-up

      Modo de salida de línea fijo

      Si quieres conectar el Edge NQ a un amplificador integrado en lugar de a un amplificador de potencia, la funcionalidad de transmisión puede utilizarse independientemente del preamplificador. El pleamplificador puede deshabilitarse a través de la aplicación Edge específica para iOs y Android.

      Edge NQ Preamplifier with Network Player and Edge W

      Pareja perfecta.

      Los sistemas Edge se han diseñado para que funcionen en perfecta sintonía. Disfruta del Edge NQ junto con nuestro amplificador de potencia de mayores prestaciones, Edge W, para crear un sistema de alta fidelidad completo con un sonido y un aspecto únicos.

    • Technical Specifications

      Conversor D/A Distorsión armónica total (THD) 20 Hz - 20 kHz <0,0008%, 24-bit, 1Vrms de salida
      Fuentes analógicas THD 20 Hz - 20 kHz <0,0008%, 1Vrms de salida
      Respuesta en frecuencia 20 Hz-20 kHz +/- 0,1 dB
      Relación señal/ruido (ref. salida 1V) >103 dB
      Comunicación cruzada a 1 kHz < -100dB
      Salida máxima del preamplificador 6 Vrms simple o 6 Vrms + 6 Vrms equilibrados
      See all tech specs See less tech specs
    • Soporte del producto y descargas

    • Edge NQ Comentarios



      48 Comentarios

      NQ unboxing

      setup was the easiest and most elegant in hifi. so nice to enjoy the unboxing and being playing music in minutes

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      Edge NQ first thoughts

      After a little fussing around with the initial set up, I was really pleased with the overall sound quality and the Stream Magic app.
      My Edge NQ is paired with Quad Platinum cd, Power amp, and Quad Electrostatic Speakers. The sound excels, it’s very musical with tight punchy bass and detail.
      Streaming is a joy, I use Tidal and the delivery is fabulous cd quality. The Edge NQ works brilliantly with my system. I use the TV arc into my Oppo DVD player and send the sound to the Edge via the digital optical connection. I have no sync problems and am happy with the sound back from Netflix, Apple, YouTube etc.
      All in a great sounding Streaming Preamp

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us this wonderful review and more importantly thanks for your trust in Cambridge audio. We are delighted to hear about your experience with the Edge NQ. We hope that our product brings you many hours of happy listening.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      What a journey!

      Okay, so we didn’t get off to a good start. Towards the end of lockdown, I had some money to throw at a streamer and amp to replace my ageing Roksan Kandy and BlueSound Node set-up. The Dali Oberon 5’s and REL T9x would stay for now, and I, like many folks influenced by the press, began my quest to bag a Naim combo. I say ‘quest’ because that’s what it became, very quickly and very widespread across all the retailers, as the chip rut made Naim waiting lists commonplace.
      Now, I’m as weak willed and impatient as the next audiophile with cash in hand, and it wasn’t long before I’m on the hunt for a new champion; burning the midnight oil in search of the holy grail v2.0. Long story short, my research suggested the Cambridge Edge NQ was worth every penny of its asking price and it seemed to partner rather well with the non-too shabby W power amp as well. This led me down the route of buying a refurbed NQ from Richer's and a refurbed W direct from Cambridge.
      I have to say, I was a little disappointed at first: unimpressed, underwhelmed and a bit deflated with my purchasing decision. Problem being, I’d bought them mid December and had waited until after moving house (mid January) to unbox them, so the 14 day, no quibble was now quibble. I decided to wait and see if weeks of burn-in would prove me wrong.
      It didn’t. I blamed the Dali’s for ‘holding out’ on the Cambridge duo’s potential and got myself a pair of ATC 40’s, which also sounded sub par to my ears.
      Fast forward to present day and after many hours of online owner’s group encounters, emails, phone calls and payment (to cover the difference), I’m the proud owner of a brand new off the shelf (not refurbished) NQ, and couldn’t be happier. The pairing now performs as well as it looks, and it does look very, very special.
      Now that all’s good in the hood, I would like to thank:
      Richer Sounds, for coming good in the end, despite a poor start, and going the extra mile to give exceptional after sales support - rescuing an almost ex-customer about to throw the towel in
      Cambridge Audio, for recognising extenuating circumstances and responding appropriately, with genuine commitment from the customer service agent handling the issue
      ATC, for making the SCM40’s sound so wonderful that I’m keeping them forever, despite the awful 80’s cherry veneer finish
      IKEA for making the TV stand that’s an uncanny match for the 80’s veneer and will render the speakers viable in my living room
      In all seriousness, I am extremely happy with the NQ/W combo and would thoroughly recommend it for those hoping to reveal a vast soundstage with a fast, agile bass; very breathy but not too forward mid, and a refined but detailed top end.
      I’m without doubt so emotionally attached to this set-up now, I’m considering buying 2 more W amps and tri-amping the ATC’s. You know, that feeling where something’s so perfect you wouldn’t change it one bit… except for maybe having even more of the exact same sound. Happy 50th anniversary Cambridge, you’ve done yourselves proud there.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you for taking out time and writing such a detailed thoughtful and thorough review of the Edge NQ and W amp and moreover for your trust in Cambridge Audio Products.

      We are sorry to hear that the first time you tried the refurbished products things didn't go as expected and you weren't satisfied.

      It's relieving to know that once you had the brand new set of Edge NQ and the W amp their pairing was perfect enough to be a permanent part of your setup and was able to put up with your expectations of how your ideal setup should sound like.

      It's good to know that you find the combo to be perfect and consider purchasing more of them as well as recommending them to others.We really hope that the duo serves you with your favorite Melodies for years to come.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      Mächtig Druck und klanglich überragend

      Bin begeistert. Endlich mal ein Verstärker der den Druck und den Klang der alten Elite aus den 80ern hat. Der Preis ist angemessen.

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