  • 每通道100瓦–非常适合驱动不同尺寸的扬声器,包括站立式扬声器,非常适合中大型房间。  
  • 集成FM/AM调谐器–附带RDS和40个电台预设
  • 内置MM唱机放大器–唱盘即插即用,无需其他盒子  
  • 内置蓝牙5.0–轻松无线连接至智能手机等。
  • 纤细优雅的设计–经典的高保真设计,搭配时尚的白色LED显示屏
  • 数字及模拟输入–大量的背部连接器用于连接不同音源
  • 全尺寸耳机插孔&辅助输入–位于前置面板上,方便使用 
  • 功能多样音质至上 


    Cambridge Audio AXR100 stereo receiver with an AXC35 CD player on a table in a room
    • NME logo

      "Cambridge Audio’s AXR100 looks like it could belong in any decade – its hefty yet sleek grey enclosure design is timeless, understated and serious.”

      AXR100 on a table with headphones and speakers



      A stylised image crop of the AXR100 highlighting the simple controls and LED dot matrix display



      Image of the Cambridge Audio AXR100 making use of its built in phono stage connected to a turntable



      Image of a smart phone connected to the Cambridge Audio AXR100 by Bluetooth 5.0, streaming music wirelessly.



      A close up image of the back of the AXR100 showing the RCA connections, digital coax in, 2 x optical connectors and Hi-fi quality binding posts



      Image of the AXR100 on a table in a minimalist home environment.



    • Technical Specifications

      功率输出 100 瓦特 (输入 8Ω)
      THD (无加权) <0.01% @ 1kHz, 80% 额定功率 <0.15% 20Hz – 20kHz, 80% 额定功率
      频率响应(-1dB) 5Hz - 50kHz
      信噪比(参考值 1W) >82dB (无加权)
      输入阻抗 47k ohms
      功率放大器阻尼因数 > 50
      See all tech specs See less tech specs
    • 产品支持与下载

    • AXR100 评测



      34 评测

      Best budget hi-fi for the money

      This reciever is easy to set up, sounds terrific, and is easy on the wallet. It's modern with built in digital inputs, mm phono input and Bluetooth plus three av inputs. The 100watt output can drive my Klipsch Rp600m speakers to very high levels on my db meter. The sound is low distortion and smooth on the high end. Some call this a British sound. It's very clean. A bonus is that the radio is quite capable and tunes many stations, though mainly I use Tidal for quality signal on the digital side with an outboard Schiit dac. My only qualm is this is a replacement unit for one that stopped working. Cambridge offered a discount for out of warranty so I used it. I have a cd player and a streamer from the same company that work great, so I have confidence the new Axr100 will be long lasting too.

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      Great receiver!

      The AXR100 is a great sounding, flexible, plenty powerful unit. Phono stage is good too! All this performance at this price is amazing.

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      AXR100 Receiver

      I'm using the AXR100 for the first time today with a CD player and my TV and so far it works great.
      I'm hoping to get your ALVA ST turntable when they're back in stock,so I can see how that performs.

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      Easy setup, superior sound quality

      We've got a bit of a mixed generation setup - from a 1980 Technics turntable to a 2023 OLED TV with digital-only outputs, and not only does the AXR100 deliver for our diverse needs, it delivers hard. We replaced a dying early 1990s receiver from a competitor, and to say it was a step up is an understatement; we simply didn't know what we were missing. The sound the AXR100 delivers is clean and encompasses the full spectrum of highest highs and lowest lows, giving equal weight to quiet sounds and loud. Setup was a breeze - for us it's the turntable, the TV, AM/FM radio, and bluetooth for our phones - and each component works like a charm. Honestly, couldn't be happier. 10/10 would buy again.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Valued Customer

      Thank you for your detailed feedback regarding the Cambridge Audio AXR100.

      We are thrilled to learn that our receiver has seamlessly integrated into your diverse setup spanning from a 1980 Technics turntable to a 2023 OLED TV with digital-only outputs.It's gratifying to hear that the AXR100 has exceeded your expectations We are proud to provide a sound experience that is clean dynamic and balanced across the entire audio spectrum from the highest highs to the lowest lows.We are also pleased to know that the setup process was straightforward and that each component including the turntable TV AM/FM radio and Bluetooth for your phones is working seamlessly with the AXR100.

      Thank you for sharing your experience and we are delighted to have you as a satisfied Cambridge Audio customer.

      Should you have any further questions or require assistance in the future please do not hesitate to reach out to us.Warm Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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