  • 每通道100瓦–非常适合驱动不同尺寸的扬声器,包括站立式扬声器,非常适合中大型房间。  
  • 集成DAB+/FM调谐器–附带RDS和40个电台预设
  • 内置MM唱机放大器–唱盘即插即用,无需其他盒子  
  • 内置蓝牙5.0–轻松无线连接至智能手机等。
  • 纤细优雅的设计–经典的高保真设计,搭配时尚的白色LED显示屏
  • 数字及模拟输入–大量的背部连接器用于连接不同音源
  • 全尺寸耳机插孔及辅助输入–位于前置面板上,方便使用
    • Addicted to Audio

      "AXR100D is a powerful receiver (amp and radio) aimed at listening to music, and appreciating how it’s been recorded."

    • Sound & Vision

      "They still make stereo receivers? Who knew!"



      Image of the AXR100D coupled with the AXC35 in a home setting.
      Image of the AXR100D with speakers and headphones.



      A close up, stylised image of the AXR100D showing the simple to use controls and an LED dot matrix display



      An image displaying a turntable connected to the AXR100D to utilise the built in phono stage.



      An image of a smartphone connected by Bluetooth to the AXR100D



      A close up of the flexible connections available on the AXR100D



      An image of the AXR100D in a home setting.



    • Technical Specifications

      功率输出 100 瓦特 (输入 8Ω)
      THD (无加权) <0.01% @ 1kHz, 80% 额定功率 <0.15% 20Hz – 20kHz, 80% 额定功率
      频率响应(-1DB) 5Hz - 50kHz
      信噪比(参考值 1W) >82dB (无加权)
      输入阻抗 47k ohms
      功率放大器阻尼因数 >50
      See all tech specs See less tech specs
    • 产品支持与下载

    • AXR100D 评测



      9 评测

      Very happy about the purchase

      I was looking for a receiver for my two Teufel Ultima 40s. The HiFI store around the corner recommended the Cambride Audio AXR100D because of my listening habits (German Techno/Hip Hop/Classic). I had never heard of this brand before but I was convinced (Thanks God) and I am more than happy. The sound and performance are outstanding. Even at full volume for several hours. I can only warmly recommend the combination of AXR100D and Teufel Ultima 40 to anyone who has around 1000 euros left. Very, very great product, I would buy it again at any time.

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      Very good piece of equipment, but disappointed

      I bought the AXR100D in December 2022, 14 days after I purchased an AXC35 CD player at the same retailer.
      The performance of the AXR100D is superb as well as it possibilities.However what was very disappointing was that after unpacking the AXR it seemed that the shade of the grey of the Receiver is different than the CD-player. It looks very cheap, and Cambridge unworthy. I contacted Cambridge and their response as disappointing. It was matter of tolerances. And I had to accept this. To my opinion this is unacceptable.
      Another minus is that there is no manual in Dutch.

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      Greatly improved sound for my system

      This unit has replaced the Marantz 6007 amp which I found to be coldly analytical but without any musicality. My AXR100D was a revelation gives far more insight into the seperation of the instruments and reproduces the thrilling sound of string reverbaratiion and texture and wonderful clarity of woodwind. The AXR100D drives my Kef 550 floor standers to much more agreeable levels, about -50 to -40 db providing a realistic presentation of my chamber music cd's from my Marantz 5005 machine. The staging and separation of the instruments is very good and all of the timbres of each instrument is beautifully revealled.

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      Nice Receiver

      I needed to replace my Azur 640T which I have had for many years but had stopped working. I would have liked to get just a tuner but they are not available any more so went for the receiver which also replaced my Azur 640A (Amp). It was easy to setup and connected a CD unit and turntable and all work well. The DAB reception good and it provides a nice rich sound.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Chris

      Thank you for taking the time to review the AXR100D and moreover for your trust in a Cambridge audio product. It is really nice to know that it is complementing well in your music setup and we hope that it adds a whole new dimension to your musical experience.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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