Yoyo (M)

毋庸置疑,(M) 是由 Hi-Fi 工程师制作的。没错,单音箱扬声器实用且节省空间,但从声音的角度来看,有所折衷。录制的音乐需要以立体声播放,为此,您需要一对扬声器。因此,我们在便携式蓝牙扬声器领域引进左+右声道。

  • Yoyo (M) Naked
    Yoyo (M) Clothed


    每套 (M) 音箱包括两个扬声器,因此您可以获得 2 个全音域驱动器和 2 个低音炮,以令人难以置信的立体声品质播放立体声。

    Yoyo (m) bluetooth connection


    连接任何蓝牙设备,以获得高品质蓝牙音频,或使用随附的 3.5mm 电缆连接以播放沒有蓝牙的设备。

    Yoyo (m) gesture control functionality



    Yoyo (m) usb device charging

    USB 充电

    我们对智能手机爱不释手,但电池寿命经常让我们失望。因此我们添加了 USB 充电端口,即使不连接电源,您也可以为手机电池进行充电。

    Yoyo (m) battery life


    一对 (M) 将让您获得长达 24 小时的便携式不插电立体声播放。

    来自 MARTON MILLS 的优质英国布料

    我们希望 Yoyo 以英式风格提供英国声音,因此,我们与全球闻名的约克郡编织公司 Marton Mills(该公司自 1931 年起专业制作面料)合作,以 100% 精纺羊毛布料包装我们的每个扬声器。

    Light Grey
    Dark Grey
  • Technical Specifications

    扬声器系统 立体声系统,每个扬声器具备全音域驱动器和低音炮
    连接性 每个扬声器: 蓝牙,1 个 3.5mm 辅助接口,1 个 USB 设备充电接口
    功能 立体声连接,手势控制,免提通话
    颜色 深灰色,浅灰色,蓝色
    尺寸(宽X高X深) 125 x 204 x 125mm (4.92” x 8.03” x 4.92”)
    重量 3kg(每个扬声器 1.5kg)
  • Yoyo (M) 评测



    26 评测

    Amazing stereo bluetooth speakers

    I have been using these for a week and must say they're amazing, the sound is superb. I have been looking for some truly wireless speakers for movie nights to accompany a projector I have just purchased, these have worked better than expected. They're easy to set up and you can use them anywhere, house or garden. My only issue is sometimes the gesture control doesn't work, but this doesn't matter as I control everything through my phone or device. Already recommended to a number of friends and family.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for taking out the time to share your impressions of the Yoyo speakers with us.We are pleased to know that you are happy with the overall performance of the speakers. Hope you have long-lasting memories of listening to songs and movie nights with the Cambridge Audio speakers.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Lovely Sound

    Just took delivery of my speakers. Paired with my iMac to play iTunes music. Pairing was simple and sound seems just right. Have not explored volume to the full and will wait for the fine weather to test outside. But connected effortlessly to my iPod. So living in hope. Grat value at half the normal price too.

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    Wonderful sound (but you really need to play in!)

    Quite simply, these are the most musical sounding Bluetooth speakers I have ever listened to! But... you really need to play them in for at least 20hrs to get the benefit.

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    The other 2-Star Reviewer is Exactly Right

    The other 2-star review by banool is spot on:
    1) Battery charging algorithm kills the batteries (and replacements are not off-the shelf at all, I've tried)
    2) The connection between the speakers is very inconsistent when separated more than 4ft.
    3) Hand waving sometimes works correctly, sometimes no hand waving will produce a rogue command spontaneously
    4) Sometimes the volume is "frozen" until the speaker is restarted.
    5) THE WARRANTY IS ONLY 1 YEAR and ONLY WHEN PURCHASED THRU CAMBRIDGE AUDIO. Don't expect any help after that.

    After a few years, the good sound and looks are rubbish when dealing with the glaring shortcomings above, especially given the price premium.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Thank you for your review.We are sorry to hear of the issues you are experiencing and if you could email us at support@cambridgeaudio.com we would be more than happy to help.

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