  • 每通道35瓦功率–在所有音量下都表現出卓越性能,非常適合中小尺寸房間 

  • 內置唱機放大器-插入及播放黑膠唱盤 

  • 修身永恆設計–經典高保真尺寸,搭配月光灰鋁飾邊框

  • 音調控制–微調聲音以補償房間動態帶來的變化 

  • 數字顯示器—白色LED,清晰顯示;音源,音量及功能表 

  • 耳機插座–全尺寸插座,用於下班後高品質的收聽 

  • 前置輔助輸入–3.5毫米插座,可輕鬆連接相容設備

  • AXA35 



    AXA35 Integrated Amplifier
    • Trusted Reviews Logo

      "AXA35 marks itself out as hi-fi piece that gives a confident and self-assured performance"

    • Recommended badge

      "The AXA35 is a great budget buy and you'll struggle to find a more confident-sounding stereo amp for the money. "

      AXA35 and AXC35 stacked



      AXA35 next to a turntable



      A man adjusting the volume knob of AXA35



      Someone connecting a cable to AXA35's back



      AXA35 and AXC35 setup with Cambridge Audio speakers



    • Technical Specifications

      功率輸出 35 瓦特(在 8 歐姆下)
      總諧波失真(未加權) 在 1kHz 下低於 0.01%,80% 的額定功率低於 0.15% 為 20Hz - 20kHz,80% 的額定功率
      頻率嚮應 (-3dB) 5Hz 至 50kHz
      信號雜音比(基準 1 瓦特) 大於 82dB(未加權)
      輸入阻抗 47k 歐姆
      功率放大器的阻尼系數 大於 50
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    • 產品支援與下載

    • AXA35 評測



      36 評測

      Super cool

      I already had a cambridge audio CD player and this amp complements it brilliantly. And good price too.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear CustomerThank for giving us your precious time through this review.We are delighted to know that they have lived up to your expectation.We're thrilled to hear that you are enjoying them as we intended and we hope they bring you many years of enjoyment!Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      Good value, sounds great

      I’ve bought a few Cambridge Audio products over the years and have yet to be disappointed. I bought this to replace an old amp and primarily to play records. I had it set up in a few minutes and immediately noticed an improvement on my old amp; it sounds excellent, looks good and feels like a quality product. A pleasure to use.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear CustomerThank for giving us your precious time through this review.We are delighted to know that they have lived up to your expectation.We're thrilled to hear that you are enjoying them as we intended and we hope they bring you many years of enjoyment!Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      perfect visual match for my NAD C521bee

      I have had this amp about one week it replaces my NAD C320, im still evaluating it seems good so far, the one thing I serously dont like is the volume display in -db just a simple 1-50 scale whould be much better

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear CustomerThank for giving us your precious time through this review.We are delighted to know that they have lived up to your expectation.We do take our customers feedback very seriously as this is very critical to our growth as a company. We will definitely pass your suggestions on to the relevant department.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support.

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      Lovely smooth sound

      Great fast service great coms great little amp the sound is amazing

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear Customer

      Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful review. We are delighted to hear about your experience.We hope that the Cambridge Audio Product brings you many hours of happy listening.Kind Regards

      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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