  • 每聲道 60 瓦 – 適用於細致及強力的音訊效能
  • AB 類放大效果 – 專為均衡高效的重現設計
  • ESS Sabre ES9010 DAC – 完美呈現數碼來源的音色
  • 數碼輸入 – TOSLINK、同軸電纜及 USB 音訊輸入(最高可在 MAC/PC 支援 24 位元/384kHz 及 DSD256 數碼檔案)
  • 類比輸入 – 4 對 RCA 連接線
  • 藍牙 aptX HD – 高解析無線連接 Alva ST 等。
  • A/B 喇叭區 – 將喇叭加入另一間房間 "
  • CXA61 What HiFi? Awards 2022


    CXA61 建置於原祖 CX 系列的穩固根基上,當然還有 50 多年設計擴音機的經驗。它提供創新的視角,每聲道 60 瓦呈現出純粹興奮感。無論您是想重現衝撞區還是音樂廳的氛圍,都實屬有力且前衛的聆聽體驗,而且絕不錯失任何音樂細節或精確度。 

    CXA61 Black Edition



    Man enjoying CXA61 setup in living room


    CXA61 在設計上可讓您更加接近最愛的音樂,並直接進入喜愛錄音作品的核心 – 以您所能想像到最自然、不費力且充滿細節的方式,展現出每一個音符。無論是類比或數碼,低保真或高解析,CXA61 讓音樂帶您至心之所向。 

    Engineer working on Cambridge Audio product


    我們在倫敦的工程團隊投注時間研究、開發、實驗,還有最重要的聆聽,以便確保 CXA61 的準確性。他們的目標:實現激動人心、專注且充滿細節的音樂表演。每一次選用的元件以及做出的決定,都是基於一種渴望:讓 CXA61 成為完成度極高的綜合擴音機。

    Close up of CXA61


    CXA61 的核心具有 AB 類功率放大級並搭配最佳化的電容值。它擷取 A 類的音樂性並融入 B 類的效率。該擴音機具備的短訊號路徑讓干擾來源幾乎無機可乘。充滿細節的最終音色,同時播放出音樂家希望呈現的情緒效應。

    Man using CXA61


    多虧有環型變壓器,CXA61 每聲道提供純粹的 60 瓦功率。透過設計盡量降低串音干擾的特殊音量電位器,即打造出具有備用功率的擴音機 – 準備利用喇叭的動態潛力,並在無壓力或失真的情況下提供音量。

    Man using StreamMagic and CXA61


    為了呈現最完整的音樂體驗,CXA61 無論來源為何皆配備有數碼板,其中內建廣受好評的 ESS Sabre ES9010 K2M 數碼類比轉換器 (DAC)。CXA61 可讓數碼音訊檔案更加生動地呈現,最多支援高解析的 32 位元/384kHz 及 DSD256 – 同時結合方便性還有性價比極高的效能。

    Cables at back of CXA61


    CXA61 是連線能力良好的擴音機。除了數碼光纖線和同軸電纜連接之外,更具備了大量立體聲類比輸入,以及透過藍牙 aptX HD 進行的無線高解析連線能力 – 完美適用於 Alva ST 唱盤等來源。您甚至還能夠連接第二組喇叭,以供您將音樂分享給另一間房間。

    Close up of CXA61


    由於我們的倫敦團隊不間斷地投入,CXA61 呈現出相當完整的解決方案。結合了多樣性和高效能,意味著在多年之後它還會是您的音樂系統中心。其線條優雅極簡,並採用鋁和鋼的材質打造而成,絕對經得起實際使用和美學方面的考驗。

  • Technical Specifications

    功率輸出 60W RMS(8 歐);90W RMS(4 歐)
    DAC ESS Sabre ES9010K2M
    頻率回應 <5Hz– 60kHz +/-1dB
    類比音訊輸入 4 個 RCA、1 個 3.5mm MP3 輸入(前面板)
    數位音訊輸入 1 個 S/PDIF 同軸、2 個 TOSLINK 光纖、1 個 USB 音訊、藍牙(整合)
    相容性 TOSLINK 光纖:僅 16/24bit 32-96kHz PCM,S/PDIF 同軸:僅 16/24bit 32-192kHz PCM,USB:有聲材料 1.0/2.0(預設 2.0),高達 24bit 384kHz PCM,高達 DSD256 或 DoP256,藍牙;4.2 A2DP/AVRCP 支援高達 aptX HD (24bit 48kHz)
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  • 產品支援與下載

  • CXA61 評測



    27 評測

    Great amp sounds great

    Great amp that sounds great with the q acoustics 2020i speakers

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    I love this amp, has everything that's needed. I'm using it for my decks set up with multiple speakers which I can choose from whenever. Only slight gripe is the Bluetooth is inconsistent to connect to. Other than that, brilliant and looks the part too.

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    Exquisite Sound, Great Looks, and Great Value*

    The only negative I have read about the CXA61 is that the price went up vs. the CX60. When Cambridge decided to discontinue the CXA61 and deep discount it, *it eliminated the one negative, and I got the deal of the century. I listen to a lot of old jazz and the production quality varies, often artificially too bright. For this reason I miss the tone controls. Also, my system is in my den/office so I have two listening positions. When I'm working, it'd be nice to balance the speakers so the sound would be better while I'm working. Also, it took a while to figure out how the remote control controlled the volume. Once I did, no problem. At the end of the day, with the right recording, in my listening chair, I can't image music sounding much better for my budget. I love Cambridge and their customer service!

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Valued CustomerIt's great to hear that you were able to take advantage of a good deal on the Cambridge Audio CXA61 and that you're enjoying the sound quality.The concern about the price increase is understandable but it's fantastic that you were able to get a great deal and feel that you got the deal of the century.

    The fact that you find the sound quality to be excellent within your budget is a significant positive.Your feedback on the tone controls is interesting.

    While some audiophiles prefer a purist approach without tone controls many people find them useful for tailoring the sound to personal preferences or compensating for variations in recording quality.

    It's good to hear that you've adapted to the absence of tone controls and are enjoying the overall experience.Balancing speakers for different listening positions is a practical consideration especially in a multi-purpose room like a den/office.

    It's great that you found a solution to enhance the sound quality while working.Lastly positive experiences with customer service contribute significantly to overall satisfaction with a brand.

    It's good to know that you've had a positive experience with Cambridge Audio's customer service.We hope that you will enjoy your music and the listening experience for years with your Cambridge Audio setup.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Excellent stereo amplifier

    I have been using the CXA61 for about a month now. The CXA61 is an excellent amplifier with great sound and more than enough power. It really brings my music more to life in comparison to my previous amp. Decent bass too. Installing and setting up was easy. Can absolutely recommend trying the CXA61 out.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear CustomerWe are delighted to know that you are enjoying the CXA61 unit as we intended.Our end goal is to provide you with an excellent music experience after a long harsh day of working. We always keep the setup for our device easy so that anyone can install our device and can get an explicit experience of it.We hope that you enjoy years of listening and happiness with it.Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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