  • 高品質音訊 CD 轉盤 – 專為細節的 CD 音樂播放所設計
  • 客製化設計的 S3 Servo – 完美的光碟速度及無誤差的播放
  • 數碼先行的 S/PDIF 同軸電纜和光纖輸出 – 適用於純粹的數碼聲波訊號
  • 無縫播放 – 完美搭配古典音樂和 DJ 混音作品
  • 聲阻金屬機殼 – 隔絕元件以呈現頂級效能 
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      "...a very pleasant reminder that real time and attention spent listening to music pays dividends."

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      "...robust power supply, durability, and solid construction make it a worthwhile addition to your system."

      CX Series V2 setup


      既然您費盡時間收藏 CD,為何不為它們進行 CX 音色升級呢?CXC 是一款 CD 轉盤,在設計上會與 DAC 和相容的擴音機搭配使用 – 像是我們屢獲殊榮的 CXA81。您會聽到光碟中播放出令人難以置信的細節,而且可能是您的初體驗。CXC 為 CD 注入了嶄新活力 – 為您延續樂在其中的體驗長度。

      CXC Black Edition



      CXC on shelf


      對 CXC 來說,有一項完全純粹的目的。它旨在讀取 CD 數碼音訊資訊時,保有絕對的準確度及一致性。接著會將該訊號傳遞至 DAC,像是我們的 DacMagic 200M,或是 CX 擴音機中的優質 DAC。在 CXC 中,每項元件皆專注於精確執行這項任務。

      CXC detail close up


      CXC 的磁碟機起初是由我們的工程師為高階 CD 播放器所設計。知名的 S3 Servo 並不是多用途的磁碟機。透過以資料擷取必要的準確速度轉動音訊 CD,即可為 CXC 提供屢獲殊榮的聲音準確度和穩定性。 

      Man using CXC CD player


      聲阻金屬機殼對 CXC 的幫助很大。它確保數碼訊號不會受到外力干擾。CXC 提供 S/PDIF 數碼輸出的選項 – 一個是同軸電纜,另一個則是光纖線。挑選最適合 DAC 的方式,不論是獨立裝置,或是整合至擴音機皆可。

      Un diseño para siempre


      CXC 隨附遙控器,因此您可以準確選擇自己想聆聽的內容。而且,所有 CX 系列遙控器能夠控制每個 CX 元件,因此您只需要一個方便執行關鍵指令的裝置。或者使用 CXC 前方的控件。 

      CXC close up


      CD 選集必須經得起時間的考驗。我們設計並製造的 CXC CD 轉盤同樣如此。定製的 S3 Servo 專為多年之後的精準 CD 播放體驗打造而成。而且 CXC 不退流行的設計線條優雅極簡,並採用鋁和鋼的材質打造而成,絕對經得起實際使用和美學方面的考驗。


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    • Technical Specifications

      數位音訊輸出 S/PDIF 同軸和 TOSLINK 光纖
      S/PDIF 輸出阻抗 <75 Ohms
      最大功耗 25W
      待機功耗 <0.5W
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    • 產品支援與下載

    • CXC Series 2 評測



      18 評測

      Decent sound, questionable durability, poor remote

      I had a Cambridge Azur integrated amp and CD player both which lasted about 10 years before failing. I replaced the amp with a different brand and since I have a musical fidelity DAC I decided to try the CXC CD transport. The sound is what I would expect for the price. Part of the unit broke within the first week when my hand hit the faceplate of the CD drawer and broke off as I was reaching to load it with a CD. A clunky remote is an issue and has less CD player features than the old Azur remote which does not work with the new unit. This is something that other users have mentioned.

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      Response from Cambridge Audio

      Dear valued customer,

      Thank you for sharing your experience with the CXC CD transport. We appreciate your candid feedback and are sorry to hear that your overall satisfaction with the product has been impacted.

      We are sorry to hear about the damage to the faceplate during your first week of use. If you haven’t already, we recommend contacting our support team at [[email protected]] so they can assist with investigating an in-warranty repair.

      We also regret that you’re not satisfied with the remote control. Your feedback will be passed on to our product team to help inform them of future improvements. Customer feedback like yours is invaluable in helping us learn and grow,

      Thank you again for your comments, and we hope to resolve these issues to your satisfaction.

      Best regards,
      Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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      CXC CD Transport Player

      Having a Roksan Kandy CD player since 2006, and was used on most days, the transport finally gave up. Having A Cambridge CXN100 & CXA35, which I’ve been very pleased with them, it was sensible to get a Cambridge CD, i looked at the AXC 25/35, and CXC, the reviews were good, so I went for the CXC, which was a good choice, also looks good with the Amplifier & Streamer. Overall I am very impressed with the CD playback musically via a Dacmagic 200m, hearing instrument's not heard before. I can certainly recommend the CXC and my other Cambridge kit.

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      The very best.

      The CXC is by far the very best cd transfer I have ever experienced. I love the music that I can now hear exceptionally. The price range was another reason that
      this choice was easier. The very best. Thank you Cambridge Audio.

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      The marriage that ended in divorce.

      I love my Dacmagic 200M and had planned to marry the CXC to it. Unfortunately, the CXC wouldn’t/ couldn’t read 20% of the discs i tried and several were brand new. I contacted Tech support, who was great, but was not able to fix the issue, so i returned it.

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