  • 優化的低音磁鐵系統可提供沉重而有力的低音
  • 絲質圓頂高音揚聲器結合了精緻的外觀和高細節水平
  • 高音揚聲器振膜後面的泡沫阻尼器可減少反射並產生寬廣而輕鬆的聲場
  • 135mm 經過特別處理的紙盆可提供平滑均勻的頻率響應
  • 精確優化的分頻器,可實現最中性的相位線性響應。
  • CAD建模的剛強 MDF 箱體可大大地減少駐波並將振動降至最低
  • SX60.音質高於一切

    SX60 支架式揚聲器基於SX50的優勢,採用更大的外形尺寸,確保其優秀的音樂性能。它們能在更大的空間裡愉快地工作,同時讓您可以靈活地安置。選用揚聲器支架還是放置在電視櫃頂部,由您決定。 SX60優秀的工程設計,自信的聲音再現以及漂亮的價格,使它們成為一個成功的組合。

    SX60 Speakers on a stand
    • What HiFi 5 Star Logo

      "The Cambridge Audio SX-60s are good speakers. If you’re after a bold, upbeat sound, you can’t go wrong."

    SX60 Standmount Speaker



    SX60 Speaker Detail



    SX60 Speaker Detail



    SX60 Connections



    SX60 with the grill cover



  • Technical Specifications

    靈敏度 89dB
    頻率響應 41Hz - 22 kHz
    阻抗 8 Ohms
    建議擴音機功率 20-100 瓦
    單元 6.5"(165mm)經特別處理的紙盆中低音 1"(25mm)絲膜高音
    分頻 二路
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  • SX60 評測



    7 評測


    Awsome sound.

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    SX-60 are go!

    I wanted a pair of good all round speakers for the main room, a pair that would cut the mustard across the board like films, music, streaming of all kinds. There are a few choices in this price bracket and all were considered. The SX-60 however ticked a few more boxes than most mainly for their sensitivity at 89db. 89db gives me a lot more room when choosing an amplifier than most of my other options. I can drive these with most low powered amps as well as anything else and for most people as well as myself that’s a big plus.
    The sound quality lacks nothing. The build quality lacks nothing. Aesthetically they lack nothing.
    Some mention the lighter approach to the bass with this second edition of the SX-60 but I find while not maybe as deep as some other options out there, these are balanced. The bass does not drown the rest of the frequencies out and is present enough for everyday use but if you want more then adding a sub is an obvious option. Personally in regards to the bass I found these a perfect choice for my flat where I have people living above me and any pounding from the low frequencies will be certainly heard and so for what I have here with the SX-60 is ideal and I like bass, a lot and using a sub is only occasional.
    Very happy with the clarity of all the frequencies with this speaker, highs a detailed, mid range has clarity and bite and the lows are balanced, tight and clear. Value for money without a doubt.
    Great service from Cambridge Audio in regard to a prompt delivery and have found in the past their after sales service is excellent. 5 stars all round here!

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    Minimalistes, rapport prestations / prix Top

    Premier achat auprès de cette marque conseillée par mon frère qu’on peut solliciter directement sans passer par un distributeur, envoi rapide et sans frais.
    Au niveau des enceintes SX60 , elles sont petites à un tarif très abordable mais d’un point de vue restitution de la gamme de fréquences elles concurrencent bon nombre d’enceintes dans la gamme 400-500€.
    Accouplées à mon petit ampli NAD c328 ça fonctionne très bien et elles sont équilibrées et j’imagine que ça va être encore mieux d’ici que le rodage soit terminé.
    Bien qu’elles soient compactes elles délivrent quand même de belles basses.
    Une grille aimantée aurait été souhaitable en revanche.
    En tout cas, content de mon achat.

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    Love these speakers!

    I bought these speakers for my new home office location (work in progress!). Absolutely love the sound. The set up is my old Brennan B2 connected optically to a Marantz PM6007 and a Projet for my limited vinyl collection.

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