All-in-One Wireless Streaming Speaker
Nuestro amplificador integrado AXA35 ofrece 35 vatios por canal y tiene una etapa fonográfica de imán móvil incorporada – perfecto para los fanáticos del vinilo. Una pantalla LED de matriz de puntos blanca confirma la fuente de audición actual, y controles de tono separados que permiten ajustar el sonido según tus preferencias. También hay un enchufe grande para auriculares de ¼” (6,35 mm), ideal para escuchar música de alta calidad sin molestar a quienes no comparten tu gusto por la música.
El AXA35 es el amplificador ideal para comenzar a escuchar música y apreciarla de verdad – escuchando detalles en tus canciones favoritas que nunca habías percibido anteriormente. Eso se debe al transformador toroidal que utiliza, una tecnología que se encuentra más arriba de nuestro rango. Elije un par que se adapte a tu gusto, tal vez que hayan estado en la familia durante años o tal vez algo de nuestra Serie SX.
La etapa de fono incorporada es el as bajo la manga del AXA35. Esto significa que puedes conectar un tocadiscos directamente sin ningún kit adicional. La compatibilidad con imanes móviles (MM) permite que el AXA35 funcione con una amplia variedad de tocadiscos – incluyendo ese tocadiscos antiguo en el que has puesto el ojo. Pronto estarás escuchando los discos para los que has estado ahorrando, y planeando tu próxima compra.
Con controles de graves y agudos separados, puedes ajustar el sonido del AXA35 para adaptarlo a tus gustos, altavoces y la dinámica de la sala. El nivel de volumen se muestra en la pantalla LED de matriz de puntos, y con 35 vatios por canal, tendrás mucha potencia para salas medianas o pequeñas.
El AXA35 es un amplificador que posee buenas conexiones, con nada menos que 4 pares de entradas RCA, además de un par de tomas phono para un tocadiscos y un par de salidas de grabación. Hay una toma USB en la parte posterior para actualizaciones técnicas. Los postes de unión (conectores) de los altavoces de alta fidelidad, son compatibles con conectores tipo banana, esto significa que el cable grueso se conecta de forma segura para un sonido auténtico.
Al igual que el resto de la serie AX, el AXA35 comparte nuestro estilo de fascia minimalista Lunar Grey, gabinete de acero negro y base "flotante". Este aspecto atemporal permite una ruta de actualización a través de nuestra gama. Un diseño delgado, con el clásico ancho de 430 mm que permite que el AXA35 pueda encajar fácilmente y darle nueva vida a tu sistema favorito.
Potencia de salida | 35 vatios (a 8 ohmios) |
DISTORSIÓN ARMÓNICA TOTAL (sin ponderar) | <0,01 % a 1 kHz, 80 % de potencia nominal <0,15 % 20 Hz – 20 kHz, 80 % de potencia nominal |
Respuesta en frecuencia (-3 dB) | 5 Hz - 50 kHz |
RELACIÓN SEÑAL/RUIDO (ref. 1 W) | >82 dB (sin ponderar) |
Impedancias de entrada | 47k ohmios |
Factor de amortiguación del amplificador | > 50 |
Consumo energético máximo | 260 W |
Control tonos graves/agudos | Tipo Shelving, potenciación y corte máximos +/- 10 dB a 100 Hz y 10 kHz |
Consumo energético en modo de espera | <0,5 W |
Entradas | 4 entradas RCA, 1 de phono, 1 x 3,5 mm auxiliar (panel delantero) |
Salidas | Altavoces, salida REC, USB potencia 5 W |
Dimensiones (Al x An x Pr) | 83 x 430 x 335 mm (3,3 x 16,9 x 13,2 pulgadas) |
Peso | 5,6 kg (12,3 libras) |
Bought this to replace an old Arcam 6 that gave up the ghost. Tge AXA looks great but more importantly sounds great. I"m no techie when it comes to audio equipment but I know what I like to hear and this delivers through the SX 50 speakers I have.
I bought the AXA35 2 weeks ago and it was the right decision. I use it with mit Pro-Ject Debut Pro S and speakers from Triangle (BR008). The sound is very clear and warm.I use before a Marantz AV-Receiver, but it sounds with the AXA35 much better.
Dear Customer
Thank you for writing such a positive review for the AXA 35.Its good to know that you are happy with the purchase and that it blends well with your setup.We hope that you enjoy years of listening happiness with them.Kind Regards
Cambridge Audio Customer Support
Great imaging.
Super detail
Rich sound touch of warmth.
Replaced a Marantz 4001 infinatley better sound inall aspects above.
Choose efficiant speakers if you want to play at higher levels
Same issue with headphones.
Best amp under 1000euro my oppinion.
Dear Customer
Thank you for taking the time to review the AXA35.It's good to hear that you are enjoying the detailing of the sound with the AXA35. We hope that it adds a whole new dimension to your musical experience.Kind Regards
Cambridge Audio Customer Support
I received this integrated amplifier on Monday, February 12, 2024. When I arrived home, I proceeded to un-box and set up this unit. The following text is what I sent back to Cambridge Audio thre same day requesting an RMA to return this amplifier.
“Monday, February 12, 2024
My review:
Since 1975 I have been listening to music through a Kenwood KA 5700 Integrated amplifier (40 watts per channel) pushing two, sometimes four, Advent bookshelf speakers; using a Denon turntable, Sony CD deck, and now the Internet through my PC. Based upon my experiences, as a professional musician for over fifty years, I have thoroughly enjoyed the tone quality and depth of sound that my system has provided. Several weeks ago, I started to notice that the quality of sound was starting to diminish. I checked the Advent speakers in case the woofer cone surrounds were cracked or damaged. They were not. I then started to check the KA 5700 and believe that it is failing.
So, I decided to do some research on the Internet regarding integrated amplifiers in the range of $500.00. The Cambridge Audio AXA35 came up on several sites as the best buy for the money regarding quality of sound. So, I purchased one from the Cambridge Audio site. It arrived several days later.
I proceeded to unbox and set up the AX, connecting it to the Advent speakers. Turned on the power, let it warm up, then played some music, I was not impressed! I downloaded the user manual to glean how to adjust the bass, treble, and balance. I made some adjustments. Still not impressed with the sound quality. No depth of sound – bass is lacking, and treble is tinny. I tried pushing the Advents. I maxed out the volume on the AX to 100%. The Advent speakers were laughing (these speakers are 45 years old). On my Kenwood, I can only push the volume to 50-60%, unless I have both sets of Advents connected. The AX doesn’t have the fortitude (sorry, no balls) that I was expecting.
Compared to an amplifier manufactured 45 years ago the AX, for me, does not make the grade. Needless to say, I am depressed! I want to return this product, with a full refund.
Kevin Peters
So, I filled in a request form to return the unit. The automated response stated that I would receive a reply within 48 hours. Nope! Didn’t happen. Five days later I am still waiting for a reply.
I cannot recommend this integrated amplifier, and based upon the lack of customer service from my request to return this unit, I cannot recommend purchasing anything from Cambridge Audio.