DacMagic Plus

DacMagic Plus dispone de nuevas y espectaculares características como, por ejemplo, conectividad inalámbrica y un rendimiento de audio extraordinario para la reproducción de archivos de cualquier formato. Gracias a dos convertidores de digital a analógico, la unidad mejora instantáneamente el rendimiento del audio reproducido por sus dispositivos digitales favoritos, para integrar a su equipo, televisor, reproductor de Blu-ray o cualquier otro dispositivo en su sistema de alta fidelidad.


    DacMagic Plus toma directamente la señal de audio digital del equipo informático, el televisor o de cualquier otro dispositivo, y omite sus convertidores de digital a analógico integrados. A continuación, la señal se analiza y potencia mediante nuestro sistema de mejora del muestreo ATF2. Al finalizar el proceso, DacMagic Plus envía una señal analógica mucho más pura directamente a su amplificador.

    El desarrollo del dispositivo fue realizado de forma personalizada por nuestro fantástico equipo de profesionales en el centro de Londres. DacMagic Plus es una unidad extremadamente flexible y admite música digital de cualquier tipo de formato. Permite incluso la mejora de archivos de música de 24 bits almacenados en su equipo informático hasta obtener un rendimiento superior a CD de sus recopilaciones de música digital. En el vídeo de esta sección podrá encontrar información sobre cómo nuestra tecnología patentada ATF2 de mejora del muestreo mejora la calidad de sonido producido por nuestros convertidores de digital a analógico.


    Mediante la conexión de nuestro receptor inalámbrico BT100 plug-and-play a DacMagic Plus, puede transmitir música de manera inalámbrica desde teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, equipos informáticos portátiles o cualquier dispositivo que sea compatible con Bluetooth*. Además, si su dispositivo admite la codificación Bluetooth de gama alta del códec aptX, podrá transmitir música con calidad de CD sin pérdidas desde su dispositivo a DacMagic Plus.

    *Se requiere el receptor de audio opcional BT100


    Además de controlar y reproducir contenidos musicales almacenados en su equipo informático o en su smartphone, también podrá compartir servicios de streaming como Spotify o Last Fm para proporcionar un resultado de alta fidelidad fantástico.

  • Technical Specifications

    Convertidores de digital a analógico Dos DAC WM8740 de 24 bits de Wolfson
    Filtro digital Analog Devices ADSP21261 DSP; mejora del muestreo hasta 24 bits/384 kHz
    Filtro analógico Filtro Bessel bipolar equilibrado con doble toma de tierra virtual y diferencial dual
    Respuesta en frecuencia 20 Hz - 20 kHz (± 0,1 dB)*
    Distorsión armónica a 1 kHz, 0 dBFs < 0,001%, 24 bits
    Distorsión armónica a 1 kHz, 10 dBFs < 0,001%
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  • DacMagic Plus Comentarios



    13 Comentarios

    Source LED fault

    Gerät funktioniert grundsätzlich super und der DAC klingt hervorragend.
    Allerdings leutet nur noch die Source USB LED hell, Digital 1 und Ext. leuchten schwach, Digital 2 leuchtet gar nicht mehr, ebenso Min leuchtet auch nur noch schwach. Wo gibt es einen Support in Berlin/Deutschland?

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Sehr geehrter KundeBitte nehmen Sie unsere aufrichtige Entschuldigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten an. Wir möchten mehr über Ihre spezifische Situation erfahren und die Dinge richtig machen.Wenn es Ihnen nichts ausmacht wenden Sie sich bitte über unsere Support-Website an unsere Support-Mitarbeiter damit wir die beste verfügbare Option anbieten können.https://techsupport.cambridgeaudio.com/hc/en-usHinweis: Bitte beachten Sie dass wir Google Translate für alle nicht englischen Antworten verwenden.Mit freundlichen GrüßenKundenunterstützung von Cambridge Audio

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    Ok for the price - I guess

    At time of writing, I’ve had the Dac Magic Plus in my system for around 3-days. Reason for purchase was my previous Dac had failed so after reading reviews, purchased to replace. I have placed this in my system connecting between my Mac and Amp. Firstly, the set up was not so plug and play, and with the lack of an instruction manual supplied in the box, I had to do a lot of research on the Cambridge Audio website as there was no sound, turns out you have to configure the Dac to bypass the pre-amp section, but we got there in the end. Then there is the sound. I have realised why this Dac is so well priced, the sound quality says it all. The sound is quite thin with very little soundstage (well, no where near what i had before). I’ve left the Dac on for a few days and I have to say there is an improvement but, it does still lack the soundstage and it still sounds rather thin. As Cambridge Audio gave a risk free 100-day return policy with this Dac, I will run in for a while and see if things improve, if not it shall be returned.

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for the valuable feedback and suggestion.

    We‚'d like to learn more about your specific situation and makes things right.

    If you wouldn‚'t mind please contact our support agents via our support site so that we can provide the best option available.

    Kind Regards

    Cambridge Audio Customer Support

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    Sound quality about the same as a 2005 dvd player

    Bought this 1 week ago. Realized I had a old DVD player from 2005. Hooked up the DVD player to AXR85 directly. Can't tell the difference. The Dac in the old DVD player seems to be as good as the dac magic plus.... I guess the benefits this product provides me are

    1. I now can stream music through my phone via bubble upnp to an old window tablet. Use to directly connect to AXR85 Aux with my LG g7, got tired the hard wired way. LG phone however supports MQA natively. With bubble upnp I am stuck with 44.1khz Flac when using Tidal

    2. I can usually keep volume at - 50 db now. Before with LG phone I had to turn about 10 +db up. Not sure if this is a benefit but I guess when you turn AXR85 on. Usually the volume is automatically set to around - 50 db

    3. Can listen to music that has higher resolution than CD

    Otherwise I think there is really no need for a Dac if the purpose is trying to improve a CD/DVD player's sound by using dacmagic plus' Dac instead of the internal built in Dac.

    Watched too many ATF2 videos from Ben at cambridge audio set my expectations too high I guess.

    I can't really hear any improvements due to upsampling......

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    Response from Cambridge Audio

    Dear Customer

    Thank you for your valuable feedback.

    We really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback.

    Kindly accept our sincere apologies that these haven‚'t lived up to expectations.Kind RegardsCambridge Audio Customer support

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    change the whole game for me

    I had tons of flac files on my computer and was listening them through computer - amp - speaker set up. One day I was walking in the downtown of my home town when for sheer curiosity I ended up in an audiophile saloon where I asked the question if there is an easy way to improve my listening experience. I had a bit of run-through of how systems are working and I ended up with the following set up : computer - tidal - dacmagic plus - denon amp - a pair of klipsch big boy speakers ... all I can say is : I am in love with it. every day I ask my wife " did you here that ? could you feel it as I did ? and so on. excellent piece of DAC, headphone amp is top-notch, just go and buy it.

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